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青鸾分享 6689

青鸾 分享

在故事中畅游,孩子们会感到身心完全放松,许多故事可以帮助他们树 立远大的理想和正确的人生观。下面小编就和大家分享英语童话故事,来欣赏一下吧。


The Joys of a Frog in a Well 井蛙之乐

A frog lived in a shallow well.

One day, it met beside the well a large soft-shelled turtle which had just crawled up from the sea.

The frog bragged1 to the turtle: "Look, how happy I am to live here! When I feel glad, I would bounce for a while near the well; and when I am tired, I would return to the well to sleep and rest for a while by the brick hole. Sometimes, I would quietly soak my whole body in the water, showing only my head and mouth. Sometimes, I would stroll in the soft mud, which is very comfortable. None of those tiny crabs2 and tadpoles3 can compare whit4 me. I am the master of this well, free and unrestrained. Why don't you come often to play in the well?"

Hearing this, the turtle was itching5 to go down to take a look. But before he put his left foot into the well, his right foot stumbled. He quickly retreated two steps and told the frog about the sea: "Have you ever seen the sea? The sea is very, very wide, over 1000 li. The sea is very, very deep, over 1000 Zhang. In ancient times, in nine years out of ten there were floods, but the water in the sea did not rise much. Later, in seven years out of eight there were droughts, but the water in the sea did not drop much. Neither big floods nor big droughts can affect the sea. Only living in the sea can you feel real happiness!"

Amazed at what the big turtle had said, the frog was dumbstruck.




海龟听了青蛙的话,心里痒痒的,准备下去看看。但是它的左脚还没伸进去,右脚就已经绊住了。它连忙后退了两步,把大海的情形告诉青蛙,说:“你见过大海吗?海很大很大, 那止千里;海很深很深,哪止千丈。古时候,十年里有九年发大水。但是海里的水涨高不了多少。后来,八年里有七年要大旱,可是海里的水也不见得浅了多少。大涝和大旱都影响不了大海。住在大海里,才是真正的快乐呢!”



The clever rabbit 聪明的兔子

The wolf and the fox want to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.

One day the wolf says to the fox, "You go home and lie1 in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead2. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him." That's a good idea," says the fox.

The fox goes home at once. The wolf goes to the rabbit's house and knocked3 at the door. "Who is it?" asks the rabbit. "It's the wolf. I come to tell you that the fox is dead." Then the wolf goes away.

The rabbit goes to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and sees the fox lying4 in bed with his eyes closed5. He thinks, "Is the fox really dead or is he pretending6 to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go near him." so he said7, "The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesn't look like a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open." When the fox hears this, he thinks, "I'll show him that I'm dead." So he opened his mouth.

The rabbit knows that the fox isn't dead, and he rans away quickly.







The cat and mice 猫和老鼠

There was once a house that was overrun with mice. A cat heard of this, and said to herself, "That's the place for me," and off she went and took up her quarters in the house, and caught the mice one by one and ate them. At last the mice could stand it no longer, and they determined1 to take to their holes and stay there. "That's awkward," said the cat to herself: "the only thing to do is to coax2 them out by a trick." So she considered a while, and then climbed up the wall and let herself hang down by her hind3 legs from a peg4, and pretended to be dead. By and by a mouse peeped out and saw the cat hanging there. "Aha!" it cried, "you're very clever, madam, no doubt: but you may turn yourself into a bag of meal hanging there, if you like, yet you won't catch us coming anywhere near you."

If you are wise you won't be deceived by the innocent airs of those whom you have once found to be dangerous.




The bear and the sisters

Two sisters were playing games on the bank of a river. They were playing happily. One of them was named Janny, the other was Rose.

While they there running to the foot of a hill, they saw a big brown bear standing1 before them. They were very frightened. They ran away at once.

"Please don't run! I won't eat you. I'm a man, not a bear, I'm friendly," the bear said. The two girls looked at the bear: the bear stood up, his hair all fell away. There, a young man stood, he was tall, he had good looks. "It's lucky for me to meet you, you can save me," he said.

"Who are you? How can we save you?"

"I'm Scoff2. My father and mother don't know I'm a bear now. they are always looking for me. They don't know where I am. I see them often, but I cannot talk to them. Let me tell you something about me."

"I was a prince," the young man said, "One day, I played on the bank of the river, an old woman came, she said soothing3 and threw a brown coat at me.

The old woman turned me into a brown bear. She said,' Only when you' meet two girls on the bank of the river, and one of them is willing4 to be your wife can you be a man again' Today it's my good fortune to meet you here. If one of you is willing to be my wife, you can save me."

The two sister' faces turned red, the younger sister said. "If we can save you, I would like to be your wife." The prince said, "Thank goodness5! Thank you very much. From now on, we're brother and sisters, the old woman cannot do anything to me. Let's go home, my father and mothe will be very happy to see us."

The prince took the two sisters to his home. The prince became the king, they were very happy.



Falling down from heaven, the dragon landed at a remote village.

It wanted to find water in the villagers' houses, so as to fly to the heaven again. But he was driven out by the villagers who were beating drums and detonating firecrackers. The dragon rolled and tossed in the puddle1 at the entrance of the village, which was no more than one foot deep, a hope that he could soar into the sky with the help of the seeper. He could only fly to a height of one foot above the ground, though he had exhausted2 all its strength, because the puddle was too shallow.

The dragon crouched3 in the mud for three days. Its scute was filled with ants, and flies. When the rain poured down, in the tremendous clap, the dragon fleeted, like a bolt of lighting4.









