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今天给大家带来why not的用法,让我们一起来学习吧。下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

初中就学过的why not,看得懂,就是不敢用

看到Why not/why don't you 时我们第一反应是「为什么不...」, 自然而然理解为一种「反问」,所以我们使用时通常也只有如下用法:

This option doesn't work. Why not try another? 这个方法行不通,为什么不试试另一个呢?

- I'm going to buy an iPhone 8.

- Why not buy an iPhone XR? 怎么不买iPhone XR呢?

- You'd better not go out tonight.

- Why not? 为什么不行?

在我们的文化中,反问很容易让人联想到质疑,it's a fine line, 稍有不慎就让人感觉不舒服,所以并不是一种很礼貌的行为,像是一个很bossy人唠叨为什么不这样,为什么不那样,所以我们在需要表示尊敬的场合都不会用。

但在英语里,Why not/Why don't并不只有字面上「反问」的意思,还可以表达「(非常)赞同」、「建议」,反而是一种较礼貌的说法。

比如很多时候,老外就直接把Why not当Yes用,用句号结尾,而不是问号。

- Can I borrow your pen?

- Why not. 没问题。

- Let's go to movies tonight.

- Why not. 好啊。

- Do think we can use this material?

- Why not. 当然可以

这里的why not 其实等于 I don't see a reason why not.

第二种情况是表示「建议」,是一种商量的语气,= How about/What about, 也大胆放心用就好。

很多广告就喜欢用Why not来引诱顾客。看下面这个广告大家就知道了Why not在这里并没有反问之意,而是指「快来体验一下吧」,建议语气。

It's Sunday. Why don't you come over to my place? 今天是周末,你来我家怎么样?(这里不是问「你为什么不来我家」)。

- I wanted to make a phone call but my phone is dead.我想打个电话但是手机没电了。

- Why not use mine? 你用我的吧

It's a successful year for the company. Why not have a big party to celebrate it? 今年公司业绩不错,我们开个大的party来庆祝怎么样?


Why don't you bring him down tomorrow? 你明天带他来吧。


最后再提醒一句,Why not/Why don't you是表示将来的事情,如果要表示过去,就要用Why didn't you。当责备别人过去为什么没做某事时要用 Why didn't you.


- I'm feeling sick.

- 1. Why didn't you go to see a doctor?你怎么还没去看医生啊? (责备为什么没早点去)

- 2. Why not/don't you go to see a doctor? 你去看看医生吧(建议)

华人里新加坡人是西化得很成功的,已经把Why not /Why don't you用到极致,基本上把中文里「(做)....怎么样」全部用Why not表达了。

以下视频大家一定要认真看完,虽然发音很新加坡,但里面Why not/Why don't you使用场景都是正确的。


Why don't you show me your most new(latest) laptop?(给我看一下你们最新的笔记本怎么样?)

(但他们喜欢用的Why not you和Why not we,标准英语应该是Why don't you和Why don't we)。

除此之外,还可以领略一下新加坡的中式英文造句,Can do or not?(行还是不行?),Say lah earlier (早说啦)true true true(对对对

Why与Why not的用法

记得某年我教仁爱版英语九年级上册某单元某一Section时(因疫情在家,没找到相关课本,具体哪个Section遗忘),我发现了一个Why在使用中的用法错误,于是给课本编辑打电话说明。第二天编辑打回电话,认为我的观点正确,并于再版时做了改正。然而,今年我教仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 3,Topic 3中的Section B时,又发现了同样的问题。由此可见,Why与Why not的用法受汉语的影响是多么严重!现引述课本句子如下:


Jane: I saw it last week. It’s wonderful!

Michael: I don’t agree.

Jane: Why? Isn’t it interesting?


(仁爱版八年级上册第三单元 Topic 3 中Section B P73)

1. Why, as a question word, is used to ask about reasons and explanations:

Why did he leave home when he was 16?

Why didn’t you tell Tom about it?

--They've decided to move to Devon. 他们已经决定搬到德文了。

--Why? 为什么?


a. When we ask for reasons in speaking, we can use the phrase why is that? In informal conversations we often say why’s that?:

--She’s not going to college this year.

--Why’s that?

--She says she wants to travel for a while.

b. In informal contexts we sometimes use what for? with the same meaning of asking for a reason:

--Ann’s going to be really upset with me.

--What for?

--I forgot to call her back last night.

c. When we reply to a negative statement, we usually say why not?:

--I don’t like it here. 这里我不喜欢它。

--Why not? 为什么?

--He isn’t going to see her off at the station. 他不准备去车站送她。

--Why not? 为什么?

2. Why is used in indirect questions:

He asked me why I wanted to leave the job.

I wonder why he told nobody he was getting married.

3. Why is used on its own as a response:

--I’m going home now.


4. Why ever or Why on earth is used to add emphasis and to show shock or surprise:

--Beth has decided to go on holiday by herself this year.

--Why ever would anyone want to go on holiday alone?

Why on earth has Julie bought me this expensive present?

5. That’s why …is used to give a reason:

--Frank and Ellen have three children now.

--That’s why they moved house. They needed more space.

--Ian’s not been feeling well recently, has he?

--No. That’s why he’s taken some time off.

6. Why should … is used when we are annoyed about something:

Why should old people have to worry about health insurance?

Note:Why should I? as a response is very direct and rude.

A is a mother and B is a child who is opening and closing the car window

A: Stop doing that.

B: Why should I?

7. “Why not ...?” is used to make a suggestion:

If you’re so unhappy, why not leave?

8. “Why not ...?” is used to express agreement:

--May I go with you? 我可以和你一起去吗?

--Why not? 可以呀。

--Let's go out for an Italian tonight.

--Yes, why not?

9. used to insist on his own opinions or ideas:

--Are you really going to sue them? 你真的要控告他们吗?

--Yes, why not? 是的,为什么不呢?

Note:We must use the infinitive without “to” in the questions beginning with “why not” or “why”. But Why not is used to make a suggestion and why is used to indicate that an action is unnecessary and meaningless.

--My girl-friend is in a bad mood. 我女朋友心情不好。

--Why not (Why don’t you) give her some flowers? 为什么不送给她一些花呢?

Why argue with him? He will never change his mind. 为什么跟他争论?他永远不会改变看法的。

根据上述why以及why not的用法,我们有理由可判断本文开头中所提仁爱版八上第三单第三话题中的Section B P73中的Why,应该是Why not。

Why not?只表示建议吗?看看他的多重含义

昨天跟战友们讲了个关于建议的句型,我们学到Why not....为什么不...呢?表示建议。当然这个句型有时候并不代表建议,他还有其他的用法。


a:You should not smoke.


b: Why not ?



a:Are you really going to sue them?


b:Yes ,Why not ?


a; Can I go with you?


b: Why not?


语法轻松学:细讲否定省略句“why not…”的用法

一、why not的口语用法

why not在口语中主要有以下用法:


如:A:May I go with you?我可以和你一起去吗?B:Why not?可以呀。A:Let’s eat out tonight.今晚我们出去吃吧。B:Yes, why not?那好啊。A:I wonder if I could make a living by writing.我不知靠写作能否维持生计。B:Why not?



如:Why not ask someone else?问问别人怎么样?Why not go there at once?为什么不马上去呢?A:My girl-friend is in a bad mood.我的女朋友情绪不好。B:Why not give her some flowers?为什么不送她一些花呢?

3. 用来询问原因(有时表示一种不可理解的心情),意为:为什么;为什么不……呢。

如:A:He isn’t going to see her off at the station.他不准备去车站送她。B:Why not?为什么?A:You should not smoke.你不该抽烟。B:Why not?为什么?A:Don’t touch it.别碰它。B:Why not?为什么?A:It’s hot! You’ll burn yourself.那是烫的,你会烫着的。


如:A:Are you really going to sue them?你真的要控告他们吗?B:Yes, why not?是的,为什么不呢?

二、why not后动词用何形式

why not后习惯上只接动词原形,不能接带to不定式或现在分词。

如:何不静观其结果呢?误:Why not just to wait and see what happens?正:Why not just wait and see what happens?你一脸倦容,怎么不休假呢?误:You’re looking tired. Why not taking a holiday?正:You’re looking tired. Why not take a holiday?

注:在一定的语境中,有时why not后可省略动词原形。

如:A:Let’s meet at the station.我们在车站见面吧。B:Why not at the hotel?在饭店不行吗?句中的why not后可视为省略了动词wait。

三、why not的结构形式

why not后习惯上只接动词原形,不能接句子,也不能用“why didn’t+动词原形”“why don’t+动词原形”这样的不伦不类的句子。

如:为什么不等到冬季大贱卖时再买一件新外衣呢?误:Why don’t wait till the winter sales to buy a new coat?正:Why not wait till the winter sales to buy a new coat?

四、why not的隐含时态

按英语习惯,why not…结构只用于提出建议,不用于表示责备,即只用于指将来的情况,而不用于指过去情况。

如:我那时是能借钱给你的。你为什么没有向我借?误:I could have lent you the money. Why not ask me?正:I could have lent you the money. Why didn’t you ask me?我喊你的名字的时候,你为什么不来?误:Why not come when I called your name?正:Why didn’t you come when I called your name?


如用于I don’t see why not,其意为“没问题”“好呀”。

如:—Can we go to the park?我们去公园吧。—I don’t see why not.好呀。






