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考生在备考雅思阅读的时候,最关心的是速度提高。 其中掌握好雅思阅读信号词,能够有效提高速度,同时也能帮助考生查找到考点。今天小编给大家带来了雅思阅读信号词归纳和解析,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。



例词:Also, further, more, moreover, what is more, in addition…

考点:And Western scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom…

解析:And处于开头部分除了可以表示承接关系之外,还能体现递进含义, this wisdom则是表示上半部分出现的their wealth of traditional knowledge(因纽特人传统的知识),因此这两句话相互呼应,同学们在审题的时候要通过发现信号词,然后发散地看它的前后句,最后把考点考察的意思补充完整。


例词:Another, the second, the most, the best…

考点:Most important of all, the traditional measures of ‘risk’, such as parents’ age and education, or whether they were a single parent, bore little or no relationship to the measures of achievement and language development.

解析:most important of all表示的含义是最重要的事情,也就是我们通常说的文章中论点和总结开始出现的信号。Single parents是本段的侧重点,同样在这一句里出现了,我们可以利用对雅思阅读信号词的敏感度,快速抓住文章的考点,进行局部精读。


例词:In fact, in essence, in particular, emphasize…

考点:This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology- to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates…

解析:上述题目是典型的信息题,考生在训练这种类似的题目时,要特别注意信号词与考点的密切相关性,从而迅速找准答案。这里出现了in essence(实质上),起了一定的强调作用,迅速扫读后,发现同时出现了题目关键词sociobiology,破折号后面的介词to是表目的与题目中的the general aim of一致对应。


例词:Firstly, second, next, then, now, later, since, eventually, finally…

考点:Three factors are involved in this change. First is an awareness of the severity of the problem. Second, a number of resources to help tackle bullying have become available in Britain…Third, there is evidence that these materials work, and that schools can achieve something.



例词:Similarly, in other words, that is, put another way…

考点:In other words, we became aware of the obvious fact that there were ‘limits to growth’.

解析:In other words表示的意思我们可以通常理解为换句话说,这种形式会以更加简单易懂,清晰的话语陈述出难点,通常难点就是雅思阅读考点出没的地方。


例词:However, but, although, nevertheless, on the other hand, by comparison…

考点:However, we believe that credit must be extended in association with other types of support that help participants develop critical life skills as well as productive businesses.

上述考点中的However,表示然而的意思。 一般是对比上文,提出不同的观点,与上文的含义是相反。也是经常会出现的考点信号词。


The Ukrainian crisis is quickly becoming a geostrategic conflict. The Crimean parliament's declaration of independence from Ukraine ahead of the March 16 referendum indicates Crimea may possibly join Russia. As Russian President Vladimir Putin maneuvers to restore Russia's right to behave with a superpower's impunity-particularly in its own backyard-the West pushes back.

But economic forces also have shaped this confrontation, especially Ukraine's record as the world's worst performing industrial economy over the last 20 years.

It was popular discontent with this disastrous performance that fomented the recent dissent. This, in turn, triggered a bloody response from ousted Crimean President Viktor Yanukovych. His response consolidated the opposition-and ultimately cost Yanukovych his job.

Beyond this week's political and military maneuvers, the outstanding question is: Who will bail out the Ukrainian economy? Russia, or the EU and the United States? A bailout will be the price of drawing Ukraine into one of the two trading systems on offer.

Stated simply, Ukraine is the economic equivalent of a failed state. After gaining independence in 1991, the country moved briefly to liberalize its economy along the same lines as most of Eastern and Central Europe.

However, Ukraine soon jettisoned its reforms in favor of the state-oligarch model, which was also evolving in Russia. Some 20 years later, Ukraine's GDP has shrunk 30 percent.

Even Russia's sorry economy is 20 percent larger than it was in 1991. And Poland's economy, which looked much like Ukraine's in 1991, has grown 130 percent over the same period.

Ukraine's economic performance has been so terrible and for so long that its sovereign debt issues are now considered the equivalent of junk bonds. Even before the crisis, Ukraine's credit rating was worse than Greece's. And it was no better than that of Argentina, a global financial pariah for its mismanaged debt defaults and summary expropriations of foreign-owned companies.

Ukraine's debts will soon be due, with some $15 billion in sovereign bonds maturing this year and another $15 billion in 2015. With a current account deficit equal to 8 percent of its GDP, Ukraine cannot pay off and refinance those debts without large-scale aid-$20 billion to $25 billion-and affiliating itself with a larger trading system.

An economic and trade alliance with Russia would deliver the bailout, but with little prospects of improving the underlying economy.

The European Union and the United States (through the International Monetary Fund) also are prepared to provide the bailout if the Ukrainian government accepts far-reaching economic reforms. The EU-US/IMF reforms should lead to better economic times down the road.

But they also would mean more short-term hardships for ordinary Ukrainians. That's why Yanukovych sided with Putin.

With a new, pro-Western government in charge in Kiev, Ukraine's fate may well lie in the hands of Europe and the United States. Their choice is simple to state, if difficult to execute: Do they put sufficient economic and diplomatic pressure on Putin, to convince him to pocket his own bailout-and let the West pick up the pieces?

The author is co-founder and chairman of Sonecon, LLC, a private company that advises US and foreign businesses, governments and non-profit organizations.














A teenage girl from Zimbabwe is rearing an abandoned baby squirrel - in her hair. Abby Putterill, 16, says Hammy, a mopane squirrel, climbed into her tied-up hair one day and decided to stay.


The schoolgirl and her furry companion have been together for two months - and he is thriving. Hammy was just days old when he was found on the cold office floor of the Bally Vaughan Wildlife Sanctuary.


Abby's mother Debbie Putterill, who co-owns the park with husband Gordon, took the baby back to her home.


To the amazement of the family, Hammy made for her daughter, climbed on to her head and snuggled in to her hair. Abby wears her hair in a loose ponytail which she usually has tied up at the back, making a wonderful home-from-home for Hammy.


Barring sleeping and showering, the squirrel and the schoolgirl are practically inseparable. Mrs Putterill said: 'He's doing really well and is growing up so quickly.


'When we first found him he was lying on the concrete floor of the office. He must have fallen out of the thatched roof after being abandoned.'


'If we hadn't taken him in he would have died because he was only around ten days old.'


The youngster was nursed back to health on a diet of baby formula and cereal, regaining his strength and quickly becoming a member of the family.


Mrs Putterill added: 'When he was tiny he refused to sleep anywhere else but on the palm of your hand but as he got older he started treating us like trees, burrowing under our clothes.


'We've never had a squirrel do this before and it's really quite funny to see but he's happy enough to lie there and watch the world go by.'







