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岑寂分享 9748

岑寂 分享


39.one…,the other… 一个……,另一个……

(1) 这里有两个苹果,一个是红的,另外一个是绿的。

here are two apples. one is red, the other is green.

(2) 我有两个笔友,一个来自于美国,另外一个来自于南非。

i have two pen pals. one is from the usa, the other is from south africa.

(3) 我有两件t-恤。一件白色,一件黑色。

i have two t-shirts. one is white, the other is black.

(4) 我有两个好朋友。一个喜欢弹钢琴,一个喜欢打篮球。

i have two friends. one likes playing the piano, the other likes playing basketball.

(5) tom的父母都在中国,一个当老师,一个当医生。

tom‘s parents are in china. one is a teacher, the other is a doctor.

40. some…, others… 一些……,另一些……

(1) 我们班一些男生喜欢足球,另一些男生喜欢篮球。

some boys in our class like playing football, others like playing basketball.

(2) 我们在休息,一些人在睡觉,另外一些人在谈话。

we are having a rest. some are sleeping, others are talking.

(3) 同学们正在上体育课。一些同学在踢足球,一些同学跑步。

the students are having pe class. some are playing soccer, others are running.

(4) 秋天到了,一些同学想去爬山,另一些同学想去远足。

fall is coming. some students want to go climbing, others want to go hiking.

(5) 他给我们带来好多书。有的是告诉我们如何学习的,有的告诉我们保持健康的。

he brought us lots of good books. some tell us how to study, others tell us how to keep healthy.

41.prefer a to b 喜欢a胜过b

(1)在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗。i prefer dogs to cats.

(2)大多数人愿意坐火车而不愿坐汽车。most people prefer trains to buses.

(3)我宁愿写一篇学期论文也不愿参加考试。i prefer writing a term paper to taking an examination.

(4)我觉得在家里比出去好。i prefer staying at home to going out.


thousands of children nowadays prefer doing their homework to a background of pop-music to doing it in a quiet room.

42.see / hear sb. do sth. 看见/听见某人做某事

(1)今天上午我看见尧尧去上学。i saw yaoyao go to school this morning.

(2)今天下午尧尧在家里听我唱歌。 yaoyao heard me sing at home this afternoon.

(3)你经常能听到林子里鸟在歌唱吗?can you often hear the bird sing in the trees?

(4)你能看到许多鸟飞过天空吗? can you see a lot of birds fly over the sky?


we often see the children cross the street with the help of the police.






