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凉笙分享 10302

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during the american war of independence,women were involved in the active fighting in three ways.first,as members of a distinct branch of the continental army,referred to as“women of the army”, women staffed field hospitals and acted as a military support in such roles as water carriers.in an emergency,women water carriers,who had plenty of opportunities to observe the firing of cannons,could replace a wounded comrade.the second way that women were involved in the active fighting was as regular troop members who were in men's uniforms and fought side by side with their male counterparts.theoretically,women were not supposed to be recruited into the army,but if a woman was a good soldier,no one made an issue of sex at a time when the army was so short of soldiers that boys not yet in their teens were also being recruited in violation of rules.third,women were occasional fighters with local militia companies or committees of safety formed to protect the local community.

1.what is the main idea expressed in this passage?

a.women played an important role in military hospitals during the war.

b.the continental army was successful in teaching women to fire cannons.

c.the service of women in combat during the war.

d.wom en were active in com bat during the american war of independence.

2.women sometimes fired cannons because _______ .

a.they had observed the procedure and could therefore substitute for disabled men

b.local militia companies had trained them very carefully for emergency fighting

c.they had a better safety record than men for using weapons

d.it was against the law for young boys to fire weapons

3.what is probably the m ain reason that women were perm itted to fight in the war even though their formal participation was discouraged?

a.only women were successful as water carriers.

b.they were needed to make battle uniforms.

c.colonial women were particularly healthy and strong.

d.the army desperately needed combat soldiers.

4.women were involved in fighting the war for american independence in all of the following ways except as _______ .

a.members of committees of safety

b.support personnel at medical facilities

c.recruiters of soldiers for the continental army

d.combat troops in the regular army









