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雅思新题A time you had good experience in the countryside

乡下的愉快经历Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside

You should say:

Where you went

What you did

When you did it

Who you went with

And explain why it was enjoyable?


Well, this topic actually reminds me of last week when I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. You know, my parents and I would go visit my grandparents every weekend possible, it’s kind of our tradition. That’s when I meet up with my family and see my cousins because we live in different cities. As I’m much older than my other cousins, sometimes it’s quite awkward to spend time with them. We don’t have much to talk about. Last week, everyone was going out, but my 5-year-old cousin and I didn’t wanna tag along, so my aunt asked me to babysit him. At first it was weird because I’ve never babysat anyone, plus, I’m not really good with kids. However, my cousin started talking to me about what happens in his kindergarden and how he likes this girl in his class. He was like, “I like her a lot, but she prefer toplay with some other boy in my class, what do I do?”. To be honest, I didn’t think a 5-year-old would even think about this kinda stuff. He was totally talking to me like a grown-up and actually asking for my advice. Then we went out for a walk. You can’t imagine how spectacular the view is in my grandparents’ village during spring time! There was a large field ofblooming flowers, gently swayed back and forth as the wind breezed, all of which really brightened up myday! My little cousin wouldn’t stop singing as we were walking along the field.This experience completely changed my view of children. I used to think they are all noisy and loud, but after spending time with my cousin, I realised not every child is like that and I really enjoyed this experience as I got to know about my cousin more. That’s all, thank you.



Awkward 尴尬的

Tag along 跟着(在原文中意思是我和我弟弟不想跟着去)

Babysit 照看小孩

Weird 奇怪的

Sb. was like… 这是个很好用的短语,表示过去某人说过的话或者作出的反应,当表示说过的话时,你可以说,hewas like “OMG!”。当你想表达当时某人的反应时,你可以说,he was like, totally shocked.

Grown-up 成年人

Blooming flowers 盛开的花

Sway back and forth 来回摆动

Breeze 吹微风

Brighten up 使活跃,使快活(brighten up my day经常用作一个固定的句子,可以背下来,意思和makemy day相近)


pineapple 凤梨

watermelon 西瓜

papaya 木瓜

betelnut 槟榔

chestnut 栗子

coconut 椰子

ponkan 碰柑

tangerine 橘子

mandarin orange 橘

sugar-cane 甘蔗

muskmelon 香瓜

shaddock 文旦

juice peach 水蜜桃

pear 梨子

peach 桃子

carambola 杨桃

cherry 樱桃

persimmon 柿子

apple 苹果

mango 芒果

fig 无花果

water caltrop 菱角

almond 杏仁

plum 李子

honey-dew melon 哈密瓜

loquat 枇杷

olive 橄榄

rambutan 红毛丹

durian 榴梿

strawberry 草莓

grape 葡萄

grapefruit 葡萄柚

lichee 荔枝

longan 龙眼

wax-apple 莲雾

guava 番石榴

banana 香蕉


horse 马

stallion 雄马

mare 雌马

foal, colt, filly 幼马

gelding 阉割的马

donkey, ass 驴

donkey 雄驴

jenny ass 雌驴

hinny 驴骡

mule 马骡

cattle 牛

bull, ox 雄牛

cow 雌牛

calf( pl. calves) 年幼的牛

herd 牛的统称

water buffalo 水牛

yak 牦牛

sheep 绵羊

ram 雄绵羊

ewe 雌绵羊

lamb 年幼的绵羊

flock 绵羊的统称

mutton 羊肉

goat 山羊

billy 雄山羊

nanny 雌山羊

kid 年幼的山羊

pig 猪

boar 雄猪

sow 雌猪

piglet, shoat 年幼的猪

herd 猪的统称

dog 狗

dog 雄狗

bitch 雌狗

puy 年幼的狗

rabbit 兔

buck 公兔

goose 鹅

gander 雄鹅

goose 雌鹅

gosling 幼鹅

gaggle 鹅的统称

chicken 鸡

cock, rooster 公鸡

hen 母鸡

chick 小鸡

brood 鸡的统称

duck 鸭

turkey 火鸡

tom 雄火鸡

poult 小火鸡

cat 猫

tomcat 雄猫

catta 雌猫

kitten 小猫


beverages 饮料

soya-bean milk 豆浆

syrup of plum 酸梅汤

tomato juice 番茄汁

orange juice 橘子汁

coconut milk 椰子汁

asparagus juice 芦荟汁

grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁

vegetable juice 蔬菜汁

ginger ale 姜汁

sarsaparilla 沙士

soft drink 汽水

coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐

tea leaves 茶叶

black tea 红茶

jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)

tea bag 茶包

lemon tea 柠檬茶

white goup tea 冬瓜茶

honey 蜂蜜

chlorella 绿藻

soda water 苏打水

artificial color 人工色素

ice water 冰水

mineral water 矿泉水

distilled water 蒸馏水

long-life milk 保久奶

condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶

cocoa 可可

coffee mate 奶精

coffee 咖啡

iced coffee 冰咖啡

white coffee 牛奶咖啡

black coffee 纯咖啡

ovaltine 阿华田

chlorella yakult 养乐多

essence of chicken 鸡精

ice-cream cone 甜筒

sundae 圣代; 新地

ice-cream 雪糕

soft ice-cream 窗淇淋

vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋

ice candy 冰棒

milk-shake 奶昔

straw 吸管






