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A:Mr Hughes? Do you have a minute?I would like to discuss something with you.

B:What can I do for you?

A:I was wondering,I have heard many of my co-wokers that your knowledge and experience in international markets is phenomenal. Also, I’ve heard the rumor that you speak fluent Janpanese. Is that right?

B:Yes,that’s right.I do speak decent Janpanese.

A:Right now I’m working on a product launch project to open up our Asian market. We have several upcoming events to take place for the Japanese cities. We ’ll be heading to Tokyo next month to get things started. What I would like to talk to you about is joining our team to help bring this project to completion.

B:Excatly what kind of help did you have in mind?

A:We aer looking for someone who is familiarwith the market and curtural issues to act as an advisor to our marketing staff. We would like to set up a partership,where we can help each other.

B:So if I can help you as a consultant,what is in for me?

A:We could give you an oncite office,as well as potential to develop your own contracts in Japan.At the same time, after helping with our project, we will be willing to split our profit with you.

B:What kind of arrangement are you thinking about?

A:You would have a share of 30% of our profits from the launch events. So,what do you say,are you willing to work with us?

B:It sounds like a great offer ,give me a little time to think it over ,and I will get back to you by the end of the week.


A:I heard that now you are working hand in hand with Michalsen Labs.How is the marriage of your firms working out?

B:It is not a match made in heaven ,but we are trying to make it work. In the beginning ,everyone was really gung-ho about our two teams working togeiher. After all,Michalsen has got a lot of resource that we don’t normally have access to. But I think our honeymoon period was over after thet started making some very unfair demands for our staff.

A:What kind of demands?

B:They aren’t willing to shoulder the burden equally. Partnership should mean both of our teams contribute equally. But they are not willing to get 100%,for example,they expect our team to put in over nearly everyday. But htay are out of the door at 5:30 everyay.

A:That doesn’t seem very fari. Did you discuss how the workload was going to be divvied up before you agreed on partnership?

B:See ,that is ont of the problems. We jumpped into this relationship too soon. So there are lots of things that are not clearly spelled out. Like responbility and profits sharing.

A:That is a dangerous situation. You have got to put everything in writing up front,or else later on,you could have some bad feeling between the two companies if the expectation is too different. It is on good to have bad blood between you afterwards.

B:You are right.


Dialogue 1

A: Could you do me a favor and proofread my resume before I send it out to the human recources department?

B: Sure, let me take a look... Personal Information, Education, Experience, Training... I think you should add another section for language. You speak three languages, so you might as well put that on your resume.

A: But languages don't have anything to do with engineering. Shouldn't everything I put on my resume have something to do with my field?

B: Not necessarily. I think people would be impressed by your language abilities. It says something about your level of intellect and experience. Also, I think human resources directors want to see more of a well-rounded person in a resume.

A: It's just a piece of paper, you think that they can tell if I am a well-rounded person by looking at it?

B: Well, you're right, the resume is limited in how much it can tell someone about a person. That's why job interviews are important to let people know the real you that they can't see from a piece of paper. But resumes can be helpful in explaining things and giving a good impression to a potential employer.

Dialogue 2

A: Let's review the CVs we received last week for our vacancy in the financial department. What have you got?

B: Take a look at this one... Experience, three years in accounting for a large marketing firm, before that she worked entry level in banking management. Looks pretty impressive. What do you think?

A: Her education background is also quite outstanding. She graduated with her Bachelor's degree from Harvard in Finance, later got a master's degree from Stanford. Looking just at that, I'd say she's qualified.

B: Maybe a little overqualified... She might have higher salary expectations. Also, she hasn't listed any personal information. We don't know her marital status, whether or not she has children. Why, she didn't even put her birth date on the CV! No picture either...

A: Oh, didn't you know? She's an American. Generally Americans will not put those types of personal statistics on their CVs. That's the difference between a CV and a resume.

B: Why don't they put those vital statistics on their resumes?

A: Because America has many laws to ensure equality and prevent discrimination, Americans are not required or even expected to put information of such a personal nature on their resumes. The purpose is to prevent discrimination in hiring based on age, gender, or marital status.

B: Oh, I didn't know that.

A: An American employer would never even ask for a photo on a resume.


Dialogue 1

A: Hello Mr. Jones, please have a seat. Thank you for coming in today. I have read your resume. You completed University in England?

B: Yes, I went to Cambridge. After graduation, I started right away into the advertising industry. Later, I made a bit of a switch to focus on marketing research.

A: So, what experience do you have?

B: I have ten years marketing experience. This includes both entry level and management positions. In my last position, I worked my way up to being director of the markeing department.

A: I can see that from your resume. Your last position was marketing director for a pharmaceutical company, is that right? Later, why did you decide to leave your former post?

B: I felt after five years in one place, I was ready for something new. I would like to have a job that is challenging, something that I can see and do new things every day. I loved many things about my former job, and I left with amiable feelings on both sides. I was just ready for something new.

A: I see. Do you want to work full-time or part-time?

B: I would rather work full-time.

A: I'll make note of that. Now, what are your salary expectations?

B: I am willing to negotiate, but I expect at least $40,000 a year.

Dialogue 2

A: Thanks for coming in on such short notice. Did you find our studio okay?

B:Oh, yes, it was very easy to find with the directions you gave me.

A: Good. Well, let's get right into your interview. We're looking for someone who will be able to work on a part-time basis only.

B: That's no problem. I can work either part-time or full-time, but I actually prefer something part-time.

A: Tell me a litter bit about your qualifications. We've already had over fifty applicants for this position. What sets you apart from all the other candidates?

B: I think something I can offer that is different from everyone else is that I can speak several languages fluently. I have experience in intercultural communication, and I can help your station to reach a wider audience.

A: Have you ever worked in broadcasting before ?

B: I have done some work in print media, but this will be the first time to do broadcast media. Even though it is new for me, I learn really quickly. I have confidence I can get the hang of things in no time at all.

A: Would you mind giving us a demo right now?

B: No problem! I'd be happy to.


Dialogue 1

A: Do you think discrimination against women in the work force is still prevalent even today ?

B: From my own experience as a career woman, I would have to say that while things are better now than they used to be. It is still a widespread problem. Society is changing, but there is still a glass ceiling for women in many career tracks.

A: Do you think the glass ceiling phenomena is because of traditional social customs? Or are there more issues coming into play?

B: I think it's a very complicated issue. A part of the difficulties women have advancing in the work force are due to few opportunities and many male managers. Don't underestimate the good ole' boy system. Men have power, so it's easier for them to stay in power.

A: What about affirmative action? Hasn't legislation changed a lot of the male hierarchy?

B: Affirmative action has given us management quotas and bans sexual discrimination, but it's still a man's world.

Dialogue 2

A: I am totally fed up with my boss. He has crossed the line one too many times with his sexist comments. This time I am really going to report him for sexual harassment.

B: What happened? Did your boss say something to offened you at work?

A: He constantly lets inappropriate things slip out, referring to the women employees as "girls" or calling us "sweetheart" or "darling". I doubt any of my male colleagues would stand for such treatment.

B: Don't you think you're overreacting a little? Calling you by nicknames shouldn't be so bad...

A: Yor're missing the point. It's about respect. He treats us with such a patronizing attitude, as if we are not equal or not as serious as our male co-workers. It's his attitude that needs to be changed, not just his words.

B: That's what you get for working in a male-dominated field. I think you'll find that most male bosses in your industry are already conditioned to treat females in this way. You probably won't be able to change him.






