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【Situation 场景】


"Good afternoon. Can I help you?"“下午好,我能帮您什么吗?”


"How can I help you?".“我能帮您什么吗?”

该句子也能达到Can I help you?的效果。


Can……? 能……?

What……? 什么?

When……? 什么时候?

Do……? 一般问话方式

Have……? 一般问话方式

【Dialogue 对话】

Pharmacist: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, let's hope so. Thank God, you speak English.

Pharmacist: Well, just a little. What seems to be wrong?

Customer: I've got an upset stomach-it's pretty bad. I've been up all night with it. and now I've got a bad headache, as well.

Pharmacist: I see. When did it first start?

Customer: When I went to bed.

Pharmacist: Do you think it's something you have eaten?

Customer: Oh, for sure. I'm not used to all this wining and dininng.

Pharmacist: No-it can be pretty strong.

Customer: I'll say! You can say that gain!

Pharmacist: Have you got diarrhoea? Is it very loose?

Customer: This is what it feels like.

Pharmacist: How often do you have to go?

Customer: I have to go every few minutes.

【Vocabulary 词汇】

diarrhoea n. 腹泻

headache n. 头痛

stomach n. 胃

loose adj. 松散的;宽松的

upset stomach 肚子不舒服

wining and dining 饮食

You can say that again!(口语)没错!您说对了。

【Sentences 句子】

I've been up all night with it. 我因此整天晚上起夜上厕所。

Do you think it's something you have eaten? 你认为跟你的饮食有关吗?

Have you got diarrhoea? Is it very loose? 有没有腹泻?大便是不是很稀呢?

This is what it feels like. 没错,跟你说的一样。


【Situation 场景】

系列会话中,一个护士迎接病人的到来,并与病人建立初步的关系。 请大家注意该护士是用什么方式与病人沟通的、她如何自我介绍,如何为病人提供服务的。她对病人说:

"Morning, welcome to our ward. I'm Nurse Ordó?ez - can I help you?"

“早上好,欢迎来到我们的病房。我是您的护士Ordó?ez -我能帮您什么吗?”


"I've come for my operation."




【Dialogue 对话】

Nurse: Morning, Welcome to our ward. I'm Nurse Ordó? ez - can I help you?

Mrs. Watson: Yes, please. I'm Mrs. Watson, and this is my son Vickywho drove me here. I've come for my operation

Nurse: Oh, yes, I'll take your appointment letter. Thank you.

It's a lovely place. Is it new?

Nurse: Yes, it is. We're very proud of it, was inaugurated by Her Rotal Highness last December. Now, if you'd like to take seat, and help me with a few details.

Mrs. Watson: Yes, of course, what do you want to know?

【Vocabulary 词汇】

nurse 护士

ward 病房

appointment 约会

operation 手术

drive 开车(drive sb. swh. 开车送某人到什么地方)

lovely 可爱的

place 地方

proud 骄傲的

inaugurated 任命;任职

detail(s) 细节,详细情况


Are you feeling all right?您是感觉好吗?

Are you feeling nausea?您是感觉恶心吗?

Are your bowels acting properly?您的肠能适当地行动吗?

Are your bowels regular?您的肠的运动是规则吗?

Did you have pains here before?您这里有以前痛吗?

Do you cough?你咳嗽吗?

Do you feel short of breath sometimes?您有时感觉呼吸急促吗?

Do you feel short-winded?你有时感觉短促的喘气吗?

Do you feel tired?您感到疲乏吗?

Do you have any appetite? Do you have difficulty breathing?您有胃口吗? 您有呼吸困难吗?

Does it hurt?心脏感到痛吗?

Have you ever had this experience before?您以前曾经有这经验吗?

Have you got any chronic diseases in the past?您从前得过慢性疾病吗?

Have you got any feeling of nausea?您有恶心的感觉吗?

Have you lost weight recently?您的体重最近减轻了吗?

Have you taken anything for it?您为它采取了各种方式了吗?

How about your appetite?您的胃口怎么样?

How bad is it?它有多么坏?

How far pregnant are you?您怀孕多久了?

How long has it been this way?这样多久了?

How long has this been going on?继续这样多久了?

How long have you been ill?您这样不舒服有多久了?

How long have you been like this?您像这样有多久了?

How long have you had it?你有这个毛病有多久了?

How long have you had this trouble?你有这麻烦多久了?

How're you feeling now?您现在感觉怎么样了?

How's your rheumatism?您的关节感觉怎么样?

How's your sleep?你的睡眠情况怎么样?

Since when have you been feeling like this?您感觉象这样是从什么时候开始的?

What did you eat yesterday?您昨天吃了什么?

What do you complain of?您说什么?

What hurts you?你那里痛?

What seems to be the matter?似乎是什么问题?

What seems to be the trouble?似乎是什么麻烦?

What sort of pain do you get there?您什么地方痛?

What's the matter with you?怎么了您?


1)He is sleeping poorly.


2)He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate.


3)It is usually hard for her to fall asleep when she goes to bed at night.


4)He wakes during the night or early morning and finds it difficult to fall asleep again.


5)He has nightmares occasionally.



1)His both hands and feet ache all over.


2)He has pain on the sole of his feet.


3)There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot.


4)His ankles look puffy and they pit when he presses them with his finger.

他的足踝好象肿了,用手按,就有小坑痕。 pit = small dent form 句里的 they 和 them 都是指 ankles.

5)The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling.


6)The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen.


7)He has numbness and tingling in his hands and fingers.


8)His legs become painful following strenuous exercise.


9)His knee is misshapen or unable to move.


10)There are some swellings in his armpit.


11)He is troubled with painful muscles and joints.


12)She is troubled by the pains in the back and shoulders.


13)His knee has been bothering him for some time.







