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Consumers: The Wild, Wild East(节选)

A booming middle class is creating the world’s most dynamic consumer market



Are you being served?

Much of this new economy is moving on from supplying goods to providing services. In most rich countries services make up at least three-quarters of GDP, but in China they account for only half. The rising middle class is demanding better services in everything from health care to finance to entertainment. Both foreign and local investors are rushing in to fill the gap.

Two decades ago films made by Walt Disney, an American entertainment giant, were banned on the Chinese mainland, but now China is Disney’s most promising market. The company’s latest “Avengers” film earned over $200m in local theatres in its first two weeks. In May Disney opened its largest-ever retail store in Shanghai. And next year Shanghai Disney, a $5.5 billion theme park, will be ready to receive the crowds. Dalian Wanda, which made its fortune in property, is building a massive $8 billion film studio in Qingdao and will be spending over $30 billion on theme parks across China, confronting Disney head on.

Kai-fu Lee of Innovation Works believes that service startups are capable of creating billion-dollar industries. He points to Helijia, a firm valued at $300m that provides pedicures in people’s homes. “They can train workers affordably; Chinese love getting pampered; and our urban density allows this… you can’t do this in Kansas.” His firm is funding firms delivering services ranging from haircuts to car maintenance.

Jean Liu, president of Didi Kuaidi, thinks the sharing economy will allow scarce resources to be used more efficiently. Her ride-sharing firm counts both Tencent and Alibaba as investors. It offers everything from fancy cars and taxis to shuttle buses and car pools – or even someone on a bicycle to drive you home in your own car. It clocks up 6m rides a day, far outpacing Uber.

Neusoft, based in Shenyang, a city in China’s gritty industrial north-east, was started in 1991 with just $3,000 by Liu Jiren, an erstwhile academic. It is now one of China’s biggest IT-services providers. Having created a computer operating system that quickly got ripped off, his firm nearly went under. That taught him the value of protecting intellectual property. When he was a visiting scholar at an American government laboratory, he noticed that academics worked closely with corporate researchers. That inspired him to invest heavily in R&D. Among many other things, Neusoft makes systems that allow medical records to be viewed on mobiles. It is also developing a shared-services business model for medical equipment that will allow users to pay by transaction.

What helped Neusoft take off, says Mr Liu, was that there were no SOEs to block new software firms. “The Chinese state today is technologically sophisticated… but that was not the case at the start of the IT boom,” says Mr Liu. “We got lucky because the IT sector was so new, so driven by talent, that the government didn’t understand how it worked.”









Autonomous Systems: The Computer in the Cockpit

Why partial automation can be more dangerous than none at all

One way to tell who made the aircraft you are boarding is to steal a glimpse of the cockpit. A traditional control yoke in front of the pilots suggests a Boeing; a joystick beside each seat, an Airbus. Pilots argue about which system is better; neither is considered safer than the other. Each exemplifies a different approach to a problem that manufacturers of not just aircraft but also cars, trains and ships must grapple with as long as human operators handle increasingly automated machines.

The challenge of what engineers call the “human-machine interface” has tragically gained attention after the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 on March 10th. Eyewitnesses reported that shortly after departing Addis Ababa, the aircraft climbed and dived repeatedly. Similarities were drawn with a fatal crash in Indonesia in October last year. That time, the pilots of a Lion Air MAX 8 struggled, also soon after take-off, with an automated safety system that erroneously tried to prevent the aircraft from stalling by lowering its nose.

Although authorities around the world have grounded the model, Boeing insists that it is airworthy. The company is updating the MAX’s automated flight-control software to make it easier for pilots to assume manual control. Boeing and Airbus both pack their planes with computers that do most of the flying. Each, though, espouses a different philosophy on how a pilot reacts to them, says Mudassir Lone of Cranfield University in Britain. Boeings are designed to make the pilot feel like the aviator in charge. Although the control yoke looks and feels like something from the analogue era, the way it behaves – including shaking when approaching a stall – is created digitally by a computer. Airbus’s joystick is seldom used besides take-off and landing. A sound alerts the pilot to trouble; in an Airbus, he is more supervisor than airman.

The big worry is what happens if a sensor feeds the flight-control system the wrong data. This might have happened in the Lion Air crash, according to a preliminary report. Something similar downed an Air France Airbus A330 over the Atlantic in 2009: an airspeed sensor iced over and the ensuing loss of data caused the autopilot to disengage. Unable to work out what was happening, the pilots lost control.

Switching from automatic to manual is not straightforward. Flight-control systems may not disengage entirely. Instead, they might continue to assist the pilot in an attempt to prevent a dangerous manoeuvre. When things do go wrong, it is critical that pilots follow the correct procedures, which are different for each model of aircraft. Pilots learn these and carry checklists spelling them out. Proliferation of systems necessitates frequent retraining. To make life easier for pilots, the MAX 8 employs a system that makes it feel to them like older, more familiar versions of the 737. But this adds another layer of complexity.

Incidents are not confined to aviation. In Washington, DC, automated trains have largely been out of service since 2009, when a faulty circuit made a stationary train invisible to the safety system on the one behind it. The driver was unable to brake in time; the resulting crash killed nine people. Ships may soon face similar problems. Some ferries and offshore support vessels have already replaced ship’s wheels with computer-assisted joysticks. A series of accidents involving self-driving cars may have been caused by sensors’ failure to recognize objects in the road, and drivers failing to respond fast enough.

Studies have shown that when people have to wrest control from an automated system, it can take them around five seconds to grasp what is happening. The monotony of monitoring a semi-automated vehicle may reduce vigilance by provoking what psychologists refer to as “passive” fatigue. Such concerns have led some car makers, Ford among them, to consider skipping semi-automation and go straight to something closer to full autonomy, cutting people out of the loop. That would remove the human-machine interface – but not humans’ machine-induced fears.




本月10日埃塞俄比亚航空公司的一架波音737 MAX 8坠毁后,工程师们所说的“人机界面”难题以悲剧性的方式受到了关注。目击者报告称,飞机离开亚的斯亚贝巴后不久反复爬升又俯冲,与印尼去年10月发生的致命事故相似。当时,也是在起飞后不久,狮航一架波音737 MAX 8客机的驾驶员无法控制自动安全系统,该系统错误地试图压低机头来防止飞机失速。

虽然各国政府已禁飞MAX 8客机,但波音公司仍坚称该型号客机是适航的。波音正在升级MAX的自动飞行控制软件,方便驾驶员手动接管飞行。波音和空客的飞机都安装了自动驾驶系统,控制着大部分的飞行操作。但英国克兰菲尔德大学的穆达希尔·隆内认为,两者在处理驾驶员如何对自动驾驶系统做出反应上有着不同的理念。波音的设计令驾驶者感觉自己是操控飞机的飞行员。虽然操纵杆的外观和感觉都像是模拟信号时代的产物,但其动作方式(包括在接近失速时的抖动)是由计算机以数字方式生成的。而在空客的飞机上,除了在起飞和降落时,驾驶员很少需要用到操纵杆。出现问题时,系统会发出警报声通知驾驶员。在空客飞机上,驾驶员更像指挥官,而不是飞行员。


从自动驾驶切换到手动操作不是一件简单的事情。飞控系统可能没有完全解除控制。相反,它可能会继续协助驾驶员以防出现危险操作。一旦真出现了问题,驾驶员按正确步骤处理是至关重要的。但每种机型的应对步骤各不相同,驾驶员必须一一学习并带上列明步骤的操作清单。新系统层出不穷,使得驾驶员需要频繁再培训。为方便驾驶员操作,MAX 8采用的系统在操作感受上沿袭了驾驶员们更熟悉的波音737旧机型。但这又增添了一层复杂性。




Mobile Telecoms: Wireless: The Next Generation


A new wave of mobile technology is on its way, and will bring drastic change


Evolution or revolution?


Technology divides the industry in another way, says Stéphane Téral of IHS, a market-research firm. One camp, he says, wants 5G “to take an evolutionary path, use everything they have and make it better.” It includes many existing makers of wireless-network gear and some operators, which want to protect their existing investments and take one step at a time. On February 11th, for instance, Qualcomm, a chip-design firm, introduced the world’s first 4G chip set that allows for data-transmission speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second. It does the trick by using a technique called “carrier aggregation”, which means it can combine up to ten wireless data streams of 100 megabits per second.

技术还以另一种方式分割电信行业,市场研究公司IHS的斯特凡·泰拉尔(Stéphane Téral)认为。他说,一个阵营希望5G“走上渐进的道路,利用现有一切,逐步改善”。这里面包括了许多现在的无线网络设备厂商及部分运营商,它们希望保护已有的投资,逐步改进。比如,2月11日,芯片设计公司高通(Qualcomm)推出全球首款数据传输速度高达1Gbps的4G芯片组。所运用的技术名为“载波聚合”,意味着每秒可以聚合多达十个100Mbps的数据流。

The other camp, explains Mr Téral, favours a revolutionary approach: to jump straight to cutting-edge technology. This could mean, for instance, leaving behind the conventional cellular structure of mobile networks, in which a single antenna communicates with all the devices within its cell. Instead, one set of small antennae would send out concentrated radio beams to scan for devices, then a second set would take over as each device comes within reach. It could also mean analysing usage data to predict what kind of connectivity a wireless subscriber will need next and adapt the network accordingly – a technique that the 5G Innovation Centre at the University of Surrey wants to develop.


One of the most outspoken representatives of the revolutionary camp is China Mobile. For Chih-Lin I, its chief scientist, wireless networks, as currently designed, are no longer sustainable. Antennae are using ever more energy to push each extra megabit through the air. Her firm’s position, she says, is based on necessity: as the world’s biggest carrier, with 1.1m 4G base stations and 825m subscribers (more than all the European operators put together), problems with the current network architecture are exacerbated by the firm’s scale. Sceptics suspect there may be an “industrial agenda” at work, that favours Chinese equipment-makers and lowers the patent royalties these have to pay. The more different 5G is from 4G, the higher the chances that China can make its own intellectual property part of the standard.


Whatever the motivation, Ms I’s vision of how 5G networks will ultimately be designed is widely shared. They will not only be “super fast”, she says, but “green and soft”, meaning much less energy-hungry and entirely controlled by software. As with computer systems before them, much of a network’s specialised hardware, such as the processor units that sit alongside each cell tower, will become “virtualised” – that is, it will be replaced with software, making it far easier to reconfigure. Wireless networks will become a bit like computing in the online “cloud”, and in some senses will merge with it, using the same off-the-shelf hardware.


Discussions have already begun about how 5G would change the industry’s structure. One question is whether wireless access will become even more of a commodity, says Chetan Sharma, a telecoms consultant. According to his estimates, operators’ share of total industry revenues has already fallen below 50% in America, with the rest going to mobile services such as Facebook’s smartphone apps, which make money through ads.

有关5G将如何改变通信行业结构的讨论已经展开。一个问题是,“无线接入”服务会否变得更像是一种日用商品,电信咨询师切坦·沙尔玛(Chetan Sharma)认为。据其估计,在美国电信业的总收入中,运营商所占的份额已跌至50%以下,其余份额为移动服务商所占据,比如像Facebook的智能手机应用,它们通过广告盈利。

The switch to 5G could help the operators reverse that decline by allowing them to do such things as market their own video content. But it is easier to imagine their decline accelerating, turning them into low-margin “dumb pipes”. If so, a further consolidation of an already highly concentrated industry may be inevitable: some countries may be left with just one provider of wireless infrastructure, just as they often have only one provider of water.


If the recent history of IT after the rise of cloud computing is any guide – with the likes of Dell, HP and IBM struggling to keep up – network-equipment makers will also get squeezed. Ericsson and Nokia already make nearly half of their sales by managing networks on behalf of operators. But 5G may finally bring about what has been long talked of, says Bengt Nordstrom of Northstream, another consulting firm: the convergence of the makers of computers and telecoms equipment, as standardisation and low margins force them together. Last year Ericsson formed partnerships first with HP and then with Cisco. Full mergers could follow at some point.

纵观云计算崛起之后IT行业近来的发展(戴尔、惠普、IBM这类公司难以跟上步伐),如果有所启示,那就是网络设备制造商也将受到挤压。爱立信和诺基亚已有近半销售额是通过为运营商代管网络而取得。另一咨询公司Northstream的本特·诺思通(Bengt Nordstrom)表示,5G可能最终会令人们一直谈论的一件事成为现实:在标准化生产及低利润的压力下,计算机制造商和电信设备商将合二为一。去年,爱立信先后与惠普及思科缔结合作伙伴关系。日后可能出现全面并购整合。

Big, ugly mobile-phone masts will also become harder to spot. Antennae will be more numerous, for sure, but will shrink. Besides the rectangular array that China Mobile is testing in Shanghai, it is also experimenting with smaller, subtler “tiles” that can be combined and, say, embedded into the lettering on the side of a building. In this sense, but few others, the future of mobile telecoms will be invisible.







