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About 5.8 percent of the population – 7.2 million households – qualify as millionaires, meaning that they have at least $1 million laying around, excluding their real estate holdings, retirement plans and business partnerships.

Kiplinger, publisher of business forecasts and personal finance advice, partnered with Phoenix Marketing International to figure out how many millionaires live in 933 urban areas with populations of at least 50,000 residents.

The Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk area of Connecticut takes the top spot. About 9 percent of its residents – 31,506 of the people who live there – can call themselves millionaires.

Not only is this part of Connecticut close to New York City, but the enclave is also home to a number of hedge funds and prominent companies, including Priceline’s parent company, and the Xerox Corporation. These attributes are enough to give this tony Connecticut locality an edge over Silicon Valley.

The California regions of San Jose, Sunnyvale and Santa Clara, which includes Silicon Valley, comes in second with 61,264 millionaire households – 9 percent of all households. The area is home to some of the biggest tech companies in the world, and Google, Apple and Facebook are nearby.

The nation’s capital slides into the third spot. Washington, D.C., and its suburbs draw highly educated Americans looking for influential jobs. The 206,361 millionaire households in the region account for 8.9 percent of D.C.’s 2.3 million households.



U.S. President Donald Trump says the United States and Mexico have reached a trade agreement, leaving Canada as the odd man out in efforts to revise or replace the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Speaking Monday from the White House, Trump said the new deal will be called the United States-Mexico Trade Agreement.

Trump spoke to reporters as he spoke on the telephone to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Trump called it a big day for trade and a big day for the country. Trump said: “This is something that is very special for our manufacturers and for our farmers, from both countries, for all of the people that work for jobs. It is also great trade, and it makes it a much more fair bill, and we are very, very excited about it. We have worked long and hard, your representatives have been terrific, my representatives have been fantastic too. They have gotten along very well, and they have worked late into the night for months. It is an extremely complex bill, and it is something that I think will be talked about for many years to come.”

The Mexican leader expressed hope to “renew, modernize and update” NAFTA while Trump’s rhetoric indicated he sees that 24-year-old three-nation deal as dead.

Canada, an original member of NAFTA, is not part of this deal. Trump said the United States would start negotiating with Canada very shortly.

Trump said under the deal, Mexico has agreed to immediately begin purchasing as many U.S. agricultural products as possible. The White House is also expected to formally notify Congress by the end of this week of its intention to sign a new trade agreement within 90 days.









Robo-Advisers: Does Not Compute

The growth of firms selling computer generated financial advice is slowing

Given the many mistakes that human investors are prone to – selling after a market tumble, trading too often, believing they can beat the stockmarket – dealing with money is perhaps best left to computers. That is the premise behind a host of firms selling computer-generated financial advice, which assist savers tired of paying for pricey human counsel. The low cost of these “robo-advisers” had helped them grow rapidly, to the horror of conventional money-managers. But growth in assets under management (AUM) at the biggest outfits has sagged recently, and with it the upstarts’ prospects.

It used to be only those with hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest, if not millions, who could afford advice about where to put their money. Humans charge 1-3% of their clients’ portfolios every year, simply to rebalance among asset classes every so often and do clever things to minimise taxes. Robo-advisers, led by Wealthfront, a Californian outfit, and Betterment, based in New York, do much the same, but for a mere 0.25% or so a year.

Largely because they squash fees, robo-services do a good job for anyone bar the very rich with complex financial arrangements. A basic questionnaire – age, salary, investment aims and the like – helps establish risk appetite. Money is then allocated to low-cost funds provided by third parties. For those who believe, correctly, that fees and human error are the main pitfalls of investing, the approach is hard to beat.

Other features include snazzy smartphone apps (customers tend to be on the younger side), transparent pricing and low or no minimum investment. Wealthfront describes itself as the Charles Schwab of the millennial generation, widening access to investing by cutting costs, just as the discount stockbroker has done for baby-boomers since the 1970s.

But being very cheap means Betterment and Wealthfront need lots of assets to turn a profit. Their AUM of roughly $2.9 billion each, accumulated largely in the past two years, delivers revenues of $7m or so a year. That is not enough to sustain around 100 staff each as well as hefty marketing budgets. Total costs are likely to be $40m-50m a year, according to one fintech grandee (neither firm discloses the data).

Scale is vital, as every new client brings fresh revenue at little extra cost. AUM in the tens of billions of dollars, if not hundreds, will be needed to break even. The two firms’ venture-capital backers, which have poured over $100m into each, expect initial losses. But even they will hope for profits in years, not decades.

Last year the two firms’ AUM grew by over 10% a month, so doubling every seven months. Growth has since fallen to less than 5%. Wealthfront used to trumpet its AUM, but now reveals it only in regulatory filings. In August it was $2.6 billion; assuming it is now $2.9 billion (it says only that it is less than $3 billion), it will take a year and a half to double at its recent rate of growth. Betterment is faring only slightly better.

Adam Nash, Wealthfront’s boss, says AUM is a misleading measure, as it is affected by asset-price swings, such as the stockmarket slide of the late summer (largely reversed since). It might be that volatility has spooked potential investors. Both firms say customers are joining in big numbers, and that AUM will grow with their savings.

Competition from incumbent wealth managers will have hurt the robotic duo. Vanguard (which puts together many of the funds Betterment and Wealthfront recommend to clients) and Schwab have both recently launched robo-advisory services. These have grown quickly – Schwab’s now has $4.1 billion in AUM – if only by poaching existing customers. Robo-purists decry potential conflicts of interest.

In dollar terms, both Betterment and Wealthfront are still attracting over $100m a month – it is the second $100m that is proving elusive. Yet fintech firms usually count on their custom growing at exponential, not arithmetic, rates. If AUM growth does not pick up, both firms will have to raise prices, expand their offerings or put themselves up for sale. In August BlackRock, a giant asset manager, bought FutureAdvisor, a smaller robo-rival. That robots of the sort devised by Betterment and Wealthfront will direct an ever-larger chunk of investors’ cash seems inevitable. Whether such products can be sold profitably by startups remains in doubt.




在过去,即便不是百万富翁,也得是手头有几十万美元的人才能请得起理财顾问。人类顾问每年收取相当于客户资产组合1%至3%的费用,所做的只是偶尔重新配置各资产类别、用聪明的法子交最少的税。以加州机构Wealthfront和总部位于纽约的公司Betterment为首的机器人顾问公司所做的事大致相同,但每年只收取总资产0.25% 左右的费用。


其他的特色包括新潮的智能手机应用(客户倾向于年轻化)、定价透明,以及起投门槛很低或者完全没有。Wealthfront形容自己是千禧一代的嘉信理财(Charles Schwab),通过削减成本降低投资门槛,正如20世纪70年代折扣经纪人为婴儿潮一代所做的一样。




Wealthfront的老板亚当·纳什(Adam Nash)称资产管理规模是一个有误导性的指标,因为它受到资产价格波动的影响,比如夏末的股市下跌(之后已基本反弹)。可能是波动性吓坏了潜在的投资者。两家公司都说现在有大量新客户加入,而资产管理规模将随着他们的积蓄增加而扩大。





A 500-year-old masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci that once sold for a mere $60 smashed the world’s record for an art auction Wednesday.


“Salvator Mundi,” which depicts Christ raising his hand in a blessing, sold for $450 million at Christie’s Auction House in New York.考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。


The buyer who was not identified, made his bid by telephone, sending the audience into a frenzy as the price climbed higher and higher.


The seller is Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev.


Only about 20 da Vinci works are known to exist and “Salvator Mundi” is the only one in private hands. The others are in museums or part of large public collections.


Art experts believe da Vinci painted “Salvator Mundi” in about 1500. It was once owned by England’s King Charles I. It disappeared, resurfaced, and, at one time, was bought for just $60 by a collector who mistook it for a copy.


It took more than 50 years for art experts to restore it and authenticate it as a genuine da Vinci, although others still doubt it is the real thing.


Until Wednesday, the highest price paid for a painting at auction was $179 million for Pablo Picasso’s “The Women of Algiers” in 2015.







