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素有“江南第一学府”之美誉的复旦大学已经成为一个包容文、理、工、医等学科的综 合性大学。一个世纪以来,一代又一代的复旦人秉承“爱国、奉献、求实、创新”的 精神,以丰富的想像力、活跃的创造力和卓有成效的实践,在中国高等教育发展史上留下了深深的足迹。

Fudan University, renowned without fail as the best university south of the Yangtze River, has become a comprehensive university with a complete range of disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine. For the past one hundred years, the spirit of "patriotism, dedication, truth-seeking and innovation" has guided the Fudan people generation after generation. With its rich imagination, active creativity and effectual practice, Fudan has set up milestones in the history of China's higher education.


And it has contributed profusely to the progress of humanity and society, to the rejuvenation and prosperity of our nation, as well as to the economic and cultural prosperity of Shanghai. Currently, Fudan University is working hard in the hope of spurring discipline- construction and education reform, and improving education quality and efficiency, and elevating Fudan's academic influence and visibility in all dimensions.


上海博物馆新馆建筑总面积38000平方米,由地下两层、地上5层构成,建筑高度29.5米。这座壮观的新馆将方体基座和巨型圆顶及4个拱形出挑结合起来,象征着传统文 化与时代精神的完美融合。从高处俯瞰,上海博物馆的玻璃圆顶犹如一面硕大的汉代铜镜。 从远处眺望,新馆建筑犹如一尊青铜古鼎,默默承载着 5 000 年历史和文明的重荷。

The new site of the Shanghai Museum has a construction space of 38,000 square meters with two floors underground and five floors above the ground with a height of 29.5 meters. This grand new building, structured with a square base and a circular top with four arch-shaped handles erected on it, symbolizes the perfect fusion of China's traditional culture and the spirit of modern times. When viewed from above, the circular top with a glass dome in the center looks like a huge bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty. When viewed at a distance, the whole building resembles an ancient bronze ding tripod, shouldering in silence the heavy weight of the five-thousand-year Chinese history and civilization.

上海博物馆南面大门的两侧,耸立着 8 尊汉白玉雕塑。这是从 300 多件汉、唐雕塑文物 中遴选出 8 件作品加以仿制放大,每件高近 3 米,重约 20 吨,极具庄严雄浑之气。传统文 化与现代风格的完美结合,在室内装饰上也得以充分体现。

The southern entrance of the Shanghai Museum is flanked by eight dignified mighty animals in white-marble sculpture, each with a height of close to three meters and a weight of about twenty tons. These eight sculptures were modeled and magnified after the prototypes carefully selected from over 300 stone and bronze sculpture relics of the Han, Northern and Southern, Sui and Tang Dynasties collected in the museum. The museum's perfect combination of traditional culture and modern architectural style is also fully captured by the interior decoration of the museum.



Europe is the home to symphonic music and also home to opera. It has been a cradle of many brilliant music composers. China has opera, too. That's Peking Opera, which originated from Beijing some 200 years ago during the Qing Dynasty. It's a performing art that embraces opera performance, singing, music, dancing and martial arts. The costume exposition will present 200 years of development of this "Oriental Opera" and the performance costumes dating to the late Qing Dynasty.


The costume design adopted exaggeration and symbolic means and bright colors. The materials are unique, so are the tailoring skills. Another exhibition will display a total of 600 sets of clothes, including the ancient clothes of different dynasties from the Qin and Han, the costumes of China's ethnic groups, and modern garments and accessories. Famous models from China will participate to present the achievements of the Chinese garment industry and Chinese designers.



Since ancient times, China's prevailing philosophy has been one that preaches "peace is most precious" and "harmony without uniformity." We always believe that though the Chinese and U. S. civilizations are different, they can easily get along with each other instead of repelling each other. As major countries of global influence, China and the United States should respect and learn from each other, seek common ground while shelving differences, and complement each other with respective strengths. In so doing, we can set a good example for different countries and civilizations to live side by side harmoniously and engage in constructive cooperation, making a contribution to the common development of humanity.


Last August, nine U.S. students from Snowden National School in Boston joined Chinese students in Hebei and Beijing in a 15-day program entitled “U. S. and Chinese City Students View China.” During the program, the students overcame language and cultural barriers, rose above perhaps one-sided views, and forged deep friendship through communication and interaction. The U.S. students learnt to sing the Chinese song “Jasmine” and paint landscape with Chinese brushes. “We like China.” These are words from the bottom of their hearts. The Chinese students learnt quite standard American English pronunciation and the American hip-hop. When it came to the time of parting, the students promised to each other that they would study hard, keep fit and meet again in the future.



We Chinese believe that taiji is the origin of all lives on Earth. Taiji comprises yin and yang, two types of vital energy. The five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water derive from yin and yang. These five elements correspond to, or affect, particular human organs. That is, the element of the fire corresponds to the heart, the wood to the liver, the earth to the spleen and the stomach, the metal to the lung and the water to the kidney. The combination of yin and yang gives birth to all lives on Earth. Taiji represents the harmonious state of balance between yin and yang. For a long time, the rest of the world was only aware of China's four major inventions: the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and movable-type printing.

几乎很少有人知道中国已发现了经络的存在。经络是指人体内血气运行通路的主干与分支网络,针刺穴位 散布其间。北京经络研究中心通过现代科学方法,已经证实了经络的存在。经络的发现无疑 是为《易经》和《黄帝内经》的理论提供了强有力的佐证。

Very few know about China's discovery of jingluo that exists in a human body. Jingluo is a system of internal main and collateral channels, regarded as a network of energy passages, along which acupuncture points are distributed. The existence of jingluo has been proved by using modern scientific methods at the Beijing Jingluo Research Center. The discovery of the existence of jingluo provides a strong support for the theories advanced in The Book of Changes and Huang Di's Classic of Internal Medicine.






