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cry baby



Barrel of laugh




cheap stake



odd ball



touble maker



dare devil



(as)old as the hills



hutty as a fruit cake



You know what bugs me? Somebody coming a half hour early when you invite them to dinner. Very rude of them, I think. I tell you, it really bugs me. Our car is ten years old so my kids keep bugging me to buy a new one, but the old one still runs fine and I don't want to put the money out right now to replace it. The lousy rain has certainly loused up my plans to take my girl friend to the beach today. I loused up my chance to get that job at the radio station by showing up at the employment interview two hours late. But could I help it if my car had a flat tire on my way to the meeting?

有一些美国成语和俗语和昆虫有关系。由于人们一般都很讨厌那些小虫子,所以和这些小虫子的名字有关的俗语大多数是贬意的。例如 ants in your pants,这是指坐立不安或不耐烦。另外还有 to have butterflies in one's stomach,肚子里有蝴蝶飞舞,这是心里紧张的意思。 在口语里,人们往往把昆虫叫做"小虫子",也就是美国人说的 "bug" 这个字。 Bug 这个字可以指小虫子。但是,它也可以当动词用。在当动词用的时候, bug 这个字的意思在不同情况下就不一样,它可以解释为:令人烦恼,就像你周围有许多苍蝇或蚊子时让你心烦一样。 Bug 这个字也可以指窃听别人的电话或讲话。要是一个人说: "That loud music next door really bugs me." 他的意思就是:"隔壁人家把音乐放那么响,真烦人。"我们来举一个例子吧: "You know what bugs me? Somebody coming a half hour early when you invite them to dinner. Very rude of them, I think. I tell you -- it really bugs me!" 这个人说:"你知道什么事情会让我感到讨厌吗?当你请朋友来吃晚饭,某个人早到半个小时。我认为这种人真不懂礼貌。我告诉你,那才叫我讨厌呐。" 下面我们要举的一个例子,其中 bug 这个字的意思又有些不同: "Our car is ten years old so my kids keep bugging me to buy a new one, but the old one still runs fine and I don't want to put the money out right now to replace it." 听起来,这个人肯定是一个家长。他说:"我们家的汽车已经用了十年。所以我的孩子们老是鼓动我去买一辆新车。可是,那辆老车还很好用,我现在也不愿意花钱去买新车。" 一种没有人喜欢的小虫子就是虱子。虱子在英文里叫作 louse。你们肯定知道 lousy 这个字,它就是从 louse 这个字来的,意思是:糟糕的、讨厌的等等。但是 louse 这个字也能当动词用。今天我们要讲的一个和 louse 这个字有关的习惯用语是 to louse up。我们来举个例子吧: "The lousy rain has certainly loused up my plans to take my girl friend to the beach today." 这个人很遗憾地说:"这讨厌的雨真是打乱了我的计划。我今天本来准备和我女朋友一起去海边玩的。" 一个人要是 loused up 和女朋友的约会恐怕还不要紧,可是他要是 loused up 重要事情的话,那就很麻烦了。下面就是一个例子: "I loused up my chance to get that job at the radio station by showing up at the employment interview two hours late. But could I help it if my car had a flat tire on my way to the meeting?" 这个人说:"由于我那天去招工的地方面谈时晚到了两小时,因此我失去了在之声工作的机会。可是,在我去的路上我汽车的轮胎炸了,那叫我有什么办法嘛?" 今天我们给大家介绍了两个和小虫子有关的俗语。第一个是: to bug someone,这是使人心烦、令人讨厌的意思,或者也可以解释为"窃听"。今天讲的另一个俗语是: to louse up,这是弄糟、毁坏等意思。

美国习语: 直截了当,消息可靠

When I saw my brother Joe, I didn't pull any punches. I told him to stop drinking and go out and find a job. I pulled no punches when I went to see the auto dealer who sold me such a lousy car. I told him he ought to be ashamed to charge so much for a car that had so many things wrong with it. No, he didn't give me my money back, but I sure felt better afterwards. I tell you I know for certain that Lisa will be promoted to manager. The boss told me himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth. Say, did you hear that Sally and Bob are going to get married. Honest, I'm not joking. I heard it from Bob himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth.

大多数人都认为诚实是一个很好的品质,尽管我们不见得每时每刻都能够做到,美国人也不例外。在美国的日常用语里有各种说法来形容诚实的。我们在今天的[美国习惯用语]里要给大家介绍两个和这一主题有关的习惯用语。 第一个是:to pull no punches。 To pull no punches,这是指毫不保留地告诉别人你的看法。Punch 这个字的一种解释就是拳击。 To pull no punches 这个俗语使人脑子里顿时出现一个拳击场里两个拳击手扭成一团,互相攻打对方,而对方设法回避的形像。但是 to pull no punches 这个俗语并不是用在拳击方面的。下面的例子说明在日常生活中怎么用这个俗语: "When I saw my brother Joe, I didn't pull any punches -- I told him to stop drinking and go out and find a job." 这句话翻成中文的意思是:"当我见到我哥哥乔的时候,我毫不保留地对他说,不要再喝酒了,还是出去找个工作吧。" 人们要想毫无保留地对对方讲心里话的时候往往会很犹豫,怕伤害别人。但是,在有的情况下,你绝不会犹豫,就像下面这个例子里的这个人: "I pulled no punches when I went to see the auto dealer who sold me such a lousy car. I told him he ought to be ashamed to charge so much for a car that had so many things wrong with it. No, he didn't give me my money back, but I sure felt better afterwards." 这个人说:"那个汽车商卖给我的这辆汽车毛病太多了。我去看他的时候毫不客气地对他说,卖这么次的车给我还收我那么多的钱,你自己应该感到害臊。虽然他并没有把钱还给我,可是,说了这些话我感到痛快多了。" 今天我们要讲的另外一个俗语是:straight from the horse's mouth。 Straight from the horse's mouth,从字面上来解释它的意思是:直接来自马的嘴巴。可是,这个俗语的真正意思是:你听到的消息是真实的,因为这消息来自可靠的来源。马和消息可靠又有什么关系呢?你要知道,远在人们还没有使用汽车的年代,人们是依靠马作为他们主要的交通工具,认为马是十分可靠的。现在,汽车已经早就代替了马,但是这个俗语仍然被广为使用。现在我们来举个例子: "I tell you I know for certain that Lisa will be promoted to manager. The boss told me himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!" 这个人说:"告诉你,我知道莉沙肯定会被提升为经理的。这是老板亲口告诉我的,这个消息是绝对可靠的!" 我们再来举个例子: "Say, did you hear that Sally and Bob are going to get married. Honest, I'm not joking. I heard it from Bob himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!" 他说:"喂,你听说了没有,萨利和鲍勃要结婚了。我可不是开玩笑,我说的是实话。我是听鲍勃自己讲的,因此这消息是完全可靠的!" 以上我们给大家介绍了两个美国人常用的习惯用语,一个是:to pull no punches,这是指毫不保留地把自己的想法告诉对方。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是:straight from the horse's mouth,这是指你所听到的消息是可靠的。


Mr. Lee paid $15,000 for his new car. But he got a real lemon, it's never run right and it spends more time in the garage getting fixed than it does on the road. Mister Green usually gives me good advice. But the computer company stock he told me to buy was a lemon. I had to sell it at the price I've paid for it. Mary spends all her time listening to loud music, talking on the phone, or looking at herself in the mirror instead of studying or helping us around the house. I tell you, that kid is driving us all bananas. I'm going bananas over the noise in the apartment next door. They play their television loud enough for the whole building to hear. And they never turn it off until one o'clock in the morning.

大多数人都很喜欢吃水果。即便那些不怎么热衷于水果的人,他们恐怕也不太会否认水果颜色鲜艳,形状多样,看起来也怪可爱的。一些和水果有关的美国成语和俗语也都具有肯定的含义。但是,这倒也并不是千篇一律,也有一些由水果组成的习惯用语表达的是反面的意思。今天我们要给大家介绍两个这样的俗语。第一个我们要讲的是:lemon。 Lemon 就是柠檬。柠檬是非常酸的一种水果,大概没有其他东西比它更酸的了。但是,lemon 作为一个俗语它的意思就成了那种质量很坏的东西,不能起它应有的作用。美国人经常把一辆不断出问题的汽车称为 lemon。 下面就是一个例子: "Mr. Lee paid $15,000 for his new car. But he got a real lemon: it's never run right and it spends more time in the garage getting fixed than it does on the road." 这个人说:"李先生花了一万五千块美金买了这辆新车。可是,这辆车却是毛病百出。这车从来也没有好好地跑过,它在车行里修的时间比它在马路上跑的时间还多。" Lemon 这个俗语也不局限于坏的汽车,它还可以指其他那些不理想的东西,下面这个人的经验就是一例: "Mister Green usually gives me good advice. But the computer company stock he told me to buy was a lemon. I had to sell it at the price I have paid for it and lost a thousand dollars." 这是说:"一般来说,格林先生给我提供的建议都是很好的。可是这次他让我买那个电脑公司的股票却是个馊主意。我不得不按原价抛出,结果损失了一千美元。" 下面我们要讲的一个俗语是:going banana。对我们大多数人来说,香蕉是很好吃的,又香又甜,营养很丰富。可是,going banana 的意思是:快要发疯了。究竟为什么要把香蕉说的这么糟糕,这实在很难解释。然而,这个俗语在美国那些家里有青少年的家长当中是十分普遍的。你听听下面这位父亲,他在说他那十四岁的女儿: "Mary spends all her time listening to loud music, talking on the phone, or looking at herself in the mirror instead of studying or helping us around the house. I tell you, that kid is driving us all bananas!" 这位父亲说:"玛丽把她所有的时间都用在听音乐,还得把音量放得大大的,或者是打电话,或者照镜子,而不是把时间用在学习上或帮助我们做点家务。我告诉你,那个孩子真是快要把我们逼疯了。" 家里有十几岁孩子的听众恐怕在这方面也有同感,即便情况有所差别。下面我们要举的例子也是很普遍的: I'm going bananas over the noise in the apartment next door. They play their television loud enough for the whole building to hear. And they never turn it off until one o'clock in the morning!" 这个人抱怨说:"隔壁人家的闹声真快把我逼疯了。他们把电视机开得那末响,整个楼都听见了。而且,不到半夜一点他们从来不关电视机。" 以上我们讲了两个和水果有关的俗语,它们是:lemon and going bananas。 Lemon 是指那些原来在想象中很好,但是结果却非常不好的东西或事情。例如毛病百出的汽车,亏本的股票等。 Going bananas 的意思是一些令人不愉快的事把人弄的十分烦燥,好像快发疯似的。






