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a great deal of的用法你们知道吗?今天小编给大家带来了a great deal of的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

a great deal of

网络释义 许多... 许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample 非常多(大)的tremendous 依序列举list in sequence ...

大量的 很多 非常多


a a great deal of 这个语块可以替换上述语块

a great deal of practice 大量的练习 ; 进行大量的练习

a great deal of nonsense 尽是胡说八道

更多网络短语双语例句原声例句权威例句They spent a great deal of money. 他们花了大量的钱。


They have rallied a great deal of support for their campaign. 他们为竞选活动征得了大量的支持。


They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis. 他们在互利的基础上进行大量的信息共享。




1) 修饰可数名词复数形式的有 many,a good/great many,quite a few,a large (或great)/small number of 等,其后的谓语动词用复数形式.如:

①A great/good many words and expressions have come into the language from American English.美国英语中的许多单词和短语进入了这门语言.

②Many have come to visit the old temple.许多人来是为了看看古庙.

③Quite a few people didn\'t understand this.Very few would accept it.


④A great/small number of new factories have been set up in my hometown.


▲many和few,a few在句中可作定语、主语,但不能作表语.如只能说I have many/few books,而不能说 My books are many/few.

▲very many相当于a great/good many,在程度上比many要强.

▲a number of修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,the number of…作主语时,谓语动词用单数.如:

⑤A number of students have done the work well.许多学生作业做得很好.

⑥The number of the students in our school has risen this year.


句⑤的 A number of 作定语修饰主语 students.句⑥的介语短语 of the students in our school 作定语,修饰前面的主语 the number,表示特指,students 前的冠词the不能省.

2) 修饰不可数名词的有much,a great deal of,quite a little,an amount of 等.其后的谓语动词用单数形式.如:

①He has spent much/quite a little/a great deal of/a large amount of money on his new house.他在新房子上花费了许多钱.

②Much/A great deal/Quite a little has been done to stop the noise.


▲much,a great deal和 many一样,可作定语或主语,而不能作表语,我们一般说 He has much/a great deal of money,而不说 His money is much(或a great deal).

▲a great deal后面不接名词时,不能用介词of.

3)既能修饰可数名词,又能修饰不可数名词的有 a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great quantity of等,谓语动词根据主语是可数或不可数决定单复数形式.如:

①There are a lot of/lots of people in that room.那个房间里有许多人.

②There's a lot of/lots of rice in the bag.那只口袋里有许多大米.

③They don't have plenty of(=enough)rooms to live in/food to eat.


词语辨析丨a great deal 和 a great many的区别

a great deal & a great many


a great deal常与不可数名词连用;a great many则与可数名词的复数形式连用,它们的区别与much和many的区别相同。

a great deal的后面接名词时要加of;a great many则不用of。

a great deal(或many)和a good deal(或many)通用,但前者的语气比后者重。在口语里,常用a deal代替a great(或good)deal。


As the new year is approaching, we have a great deal of preparation work to do.随着新年即将来到,我们有大量的准备工作要做。

The High Island Reservoir can store a great deal of water.万宜水库能蓄藏大量的水。

There are a great many trees and flowers in the botanical garden.植物公园里有许多树木和花草。


顺便讲一句,a lot of也表示“许多”、“大量”的意思,但它比较口语化,其后既可接可数名词,又可接不可数名词。例如:a lot of books(letters,flies) ;a lot of time(money,work)。

另一点值得注意的是,plenty与a lot,a great deal,a large amount的含义有所不同。plenty突出表示“足够”之意,但它所指的东西并不一定很多。

例如,某人准备坐火车去深圳,他看了看表,说道:“We've plenty of time”。他的意思是“现在到九龙火车站还有足够的时间,不必着急”,这里所指的“足够”时间可能是一刻钟,而不是一两个小时。

又如,有个远方客人来探望你,你想留他吃顿便饭,但不知道是否有菜,你把食橱打开一看,说道:“Oh,we've plenty of food”。这里的plenty也是表示“足够”之意,菜不一定很多,可能只有一两碟菜,但已足够招待客人吃顿便饭了。

最后尚需补充一句,a great deal还可用作状语。例:

Our patient is a great deal better today.


英语语法:形容词短语a good many、a great deal of等

9. a good many许多用法:a good many后接复数名词,不与介词of连用。 例句:A good many songs are not always limited to the meaning of love.很多歌曲的意义并不总是局限于爱情。 10. a great deal of大量用法:a great deal of后接不可数名词,great可以用good来代替。 例句:There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies onthat steady flow to maintain its economy. (2014年6月四级)毫无疑问,美国进口了大量的能源,事实上,美国依靠这种稳定的流动来维持它的经济。 11. a group of一群用法:a group of构成的名词短语在句中作主语时,谓语动词可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式。 例句:He among a group of educators who last month began circulating a petition (呼吁) opposing automated assessment software. (2015年6月四级)从上个月开始,有一些教育工作者请愿反对自动评估软件,他是其中之一。 语法点:该例句中含有一个定语从句,定语从句指的是在复合句中修饰某一名词、代词或整个主句。在例句中,先行词是educators,引导词是who。 12. a handful of一把,少量的用法:a handful of后接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。 例句:In the past 10 years, there have been only a handful of incidents of quarrels between tenants.(2014年6月四级)在过去十年里,只有少数居民发生了争吵事件。 20190802作业:形容词短语:a heap of一堆,许多例句:There’s a heap of rubbish on the balcony; you are so lazy.1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文;3.转发本文到朋友圈或微博或自己组织的群里,并截图发到训练群里。(加入训练群,可加助理微信:lin-boshi)注:不能完成任务的学习者,将转入英语学习群。


The Kremlin said Putin thanked Trump "for such attentive attitude, for offering help and support" over the massive wildfires. 【Newsweek】

a great number of 和 a great deal of 的不同你知道吗?

今天要讲的就是短语 a great number of 和 a great deal of 的不同用法

a great number of 和 a great deal of 只有一词之差,但是却有着很多的差别!


含义相同,a great number of 和 a great deal of 都表示“大量,很多”。


1. a great number of 后接可数名词复数

a great deal of 后接不可数名词

大多数情况下,可数名词,就是词后可以加s变为复数的名词,例如:a great number of trees, a great number of books, a great number of songs...

不可数名词,指不能用数目来计算的东西,例如:a great deal of rain, a great deal of water, a great deal of help...

2. a great number of + n. 做主语时,谓语动词用复数

例如:A great number of trees were planted by children yesterday. 孩子们昨天种了很多树。

a great deal of + n. 做主语时,谓语动词用单数

例如:A great deal of money was wasted. 浪费了很多钱。


a great deal = much, a lot


He helped me a great deal. 他帮了我很多。

I learned a great deal from him. 我从他那里学到很多。

He ran a great deal faster than I. 他比我跑得快多了。






