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judgement有判断,鉴定,评价,判断的意思。在英语写作中常用到,今天小编给大家带来了judgement的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 判断,鉴定,评价,判断,审判,裁判,判决,看法,意见,判断力,见识





Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgement.她的决定似乎显示出缺乏政治判断力。

Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。

My judgement was frequently faulty, but my loyalty to the nation could not be questioned.我的判断经常出错,但是我对祖国的忠诚是无可置疑的。


1、A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.


2、Jake has raised two smashing kids and I trust his judgement.


3、I respect his judgement and I'll follow any advice he gives me.


judgement词组 | 习惯用语

value judgement 价值判断

subjective judgement n. 主观判断

judgement day n. 审判日;末日

day of judgement 最后审判日(上帝对人类的);世界末日

fair judgement 公正判决

ethical judgement 道德判断

judgement sampling 抽样断定法;判断抽样

Judgement Day n. 审判日;末日

judgement creditor [法] 判定债权人

value judgement [经] 价值判断

Last Judgement 世界末日的大审判;(上帝对人类的)最后审判

reserve judgement 延期判决

judgement debtor 判决确定的债务人

explicative judgement 分析判断

value-oriented judgement 价值评判

categorical judgement 直言判断; 定言判断;

Judgement Sampling 判断抽样; 抽样断定法; 判断选样;

Judgement Overman 放学后的结社

court's judgement 法院判决

Judgement Heaume 板甲

subjective judgement 主观判断; 经验法则与主观判断法; 主观评判;

direct judgement 直接判断


1.I was doubtful of my judgement.我对自己的判断拿不准。

2.Judgement is implied in every apprehensive act.每一种理解的行为都说明是运用了判断。

3.Marian came to repent her hasty judgement.玛丽安开始对自己轻率的判断感到后悔。

4.This is a subjective judgement of her abilities.这是对她能力的一种主观判断。

5.Remember to be tactful when expressing a personal judgement.记住表达个人看法要婉转。

6.Subsequent events verified that his judgement was at fault.接着发生的事件证实了他的判断有误。

7.The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚。

8.I submit to your superior judgement.我接受你的明智的判断。

9.When you are befogged ,it is impossible to have a clear judgement.当你睡得迷迷糊糊的时候,不可能有明确的判断。

10.I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.我把对家长们的访谈结果作为专业判断的对立论点。

11.I mistrust his judgement.我不相信他的判断。

12.He appealed from the judgement.他不服裁决而上诉。

13.He erred in his judgement.他判断错了。

14.The judgement passed against him.判决宣告他败诉。

15.Has judgement been pronounced yet?判决宣布了吗?

16.A sipper who tried both cocktails could not keep politics out of her judgement of the drinks.一位品尝过这两种鸡尾酒的人表示,她对这两款酒的评价无法摆脱政治因素的影响。

17.Judgement of Wisdom: It is no longer possible for the mana energize effect to trigger off of reapplication of the Judgement of Wisdom.不再会在重复使用智慧审判的时候激活法力活跃效果。

18.Judgement of Wisdom: It is no longer possible for the mana energize effect to trigger off of reapplication of the Judgement of Wisdom.它不再会因为再次审判智慧圣印导致回蓝效果消失。

19.In addition,the paper proposes decision judgement theorem,decision discernment theorem, decision surplusage discarding theorem and hole digging principle on decision factors universe X .文章提出具有中性域X(X≠{x})X的上的双枝模糊决策的概念和决策优化分析模型、决策判定定理、决策识别定理、决策去余定理和决策因素域X上的挖洞原理。

20.But, we are afraid, these skeletonize graphs may make popular feeling irritated, the judgement that and throw into confusion some former perfecting is decision-making.但是,我们担心,这些缩略图可能会使人心烦,并且打乱原有的完善的判断决策。






