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新概念英语第一册:UNIT 1~3语音、语法、情景对话及习题



[i:] bee / tea / pea / key / see / three

[i] big / city / with / family / happy / little

[e] bed / beg / red / men / never / very

[$] bad / bag / dad / man / back / cat

I often see that man in the street.

He has a very happy family.

A man is sitting on the desk.

You see the green leaves on the tree.

Tim ran back to get the black hat and the red bag.


● a bad apple

● Big Apple

● a fat cat

● a hot potato

● A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

● A friend in need is a friend indeed.

● God helps those who help themselves.



— Hi! / Hello! / Hullo! / How do you do?

— (Good) morning / afternoon / evening!

— How are you? / How are you going? / How are you all keeping?

— Fine / Well. Thank you. And you? / What about you? / How about you?

— Not too bad! / Pretty good! / Couldn't be better! / Just so-so. / I'm just my old self!

— Nice / Glad / Pleased to see / meet you!

— Nice to see you, too. / Same here!

— It's my pleasure / honor to see you!

— Haven't seen you for ages / for a long time.

— Long time no see.



[D:] work / girl / nurse / first / dirty / bird

[D] around / o'clock / driver / arrive / forget / famous

[K] nut / country / color / must / under / mother

I love my country.

Another fly-over will be built across that street.

You fall in love with my sister!

It's fun to run and jump in the sun.

The first person in a clean shirt works in my firm.

Her younger brother's daughter was a driver.


● loseone's shirt

● keep one's shirt on

● eat like a bird

● a small potato

● The early bird catches the worm.

● Kill two birds with one stone.

● Two heads are better than one.



— See you (soon / later / next time / ...)

— Good night. / Goodbye. / Bye-bye.

— It's nice to see you.

— How time flies! I have to be going now.

— I must go off / be off / be leaving.

— I suppose I'd better go.

— I'm really enjoying meeting you.

— It's a pleasure to be with you here, but ...

— I can't believe that time has come to say goodbye to you.

— Thank you for all you've done for me.

— Let's keep in touch. / Don't forget to drop me a line.

— All the best to you. / Remember meto you ...

— We must get together again soon.



[p] pea / pat / pair / pet / help / hope

[b] bee / bat / bear / bet / lab / buy

[t] tie / tear / let / tall / fat / that

[d] die / dear / lead / bad / glad / down

[k] pick / back / mark / cook / lake / kind

[E] pig / bag / give / goat / beg / girl

It makes me sick to think of it.

The cook is baking a cake.

Please pass Peter's parents two pieces of paper.

Do as I did, or you'll do what shouldn't be done.

A good girl is going to her grandma for some good apples.


● during the dog days

● get one's goat

● black and blue

● as busy as a bee

● a green hand

● rob Peter to pay Paul

● Every dog has his / its day.


● Fill in blanks with a / an.

1. Stella is ________ student, and she studies in ________ university. She is ________ American.

2. How many days are there in ________ year? How many minutes are there in ________ hour?

3. Our teacher is talking with ________ old man from ________ France.

4. There is ________ oil painting on the wall.

● Fill in blanks with is / am / are / my / your / her / his

1. I ________ a new student. ________ name ________ Alice. I ________ French.

2. What nationality ________ you? I am ________ American. My brother ________ a teacher. ________ name is Mr. King. My aunt ________ an actress. ________ name ________ Stella.

3. Sue ________ my sister. She ________ a nurse. She likes ________ job.


1. Is that mechanic hardworking(勤劳的)? Yes, he is.

2. What does the young girl do? She is a housewife.

3. She doesn't work hard. She is very lazy.

4. What nationality are you? I'm Spanish.

5. What colour are your new cases? Brown.

新概念英语第一册:UNIT 7~9语音、语法、情景对话及习题



[f] five / life / face / fish / fame / fate

[v] very / visit / every / vote / victory / over

[s] say / sorry / first / advice / student / school

[z] zero / zip / zoo /

[L] think / mouth / thin / tooth / thief / cloth

[M] this / those / there / than / them / clothes

Five fellows ate five fish on February the first.

Britt visits the small village every weekend.

The parking zone is near the zoo.

A sleeping baby was sleeping in the sleeping car.

Alice left her mother and father and went to her brother's.


电话实用句式 Telephone conversation:

— Hello, is that ... (speaking)? / Here is ... (speaking). Is ... there?

— This is ... (speaking). Who's that?

— May I know who is calling, please?

— May I speak to / have a word with ...? / I'd like to speak to ...

— Hello! Can I help you? Whom do you want to speak to?

— All right. Hold on please.

— Sorry, he / she isn't in. May I take a message for you?

— Would you like him to call you back? Could you leave your number?

— Would you mind calling back later? — I'll tell him to ring back.

— I'm sorry, there's no one here by the name.

— I'm afraid you've got / dialed the wrong number.

III.重要语法 Grammar (注意课上老师的讲解!!)




[Au] how / about / mouse / hour / loud / outside

[Du] cold / home / go / post / goat / smoke

I wouldn't get his goat for small things.

He is nobody and holds no post here.

It's getting darker and darker outside.

Read it louder and so that I can hear you better.


● Be left in the cold

● A bed of roses

● Go bananas

● A black sheep

● A piece of cake

● Do it well or not at all.

● Look before you leap.

● Easier said than done.


表述时间的句式 Time:

on time in time in no time off and on

— What's the time (by your watch)?

— What time do you have? / What time is it?

— It's at ... o'clock. (past / to / half past)

— What's the date today? / What was the date yesterday?

— What day is it today? / What's the day today?

— It's time for ... / It's time to ... / It's time that ...

— Time is limited / running out.

— I suppose it's about time (that) ...

— What's the business time of this bank?

— When is the meeting? / When does the meeting begin?



[N] she / shy / cash / show / short / shore

[I] measure / treasure / pleasure / usual / television / decision

[h] happy / have / hope / horse / head / help

[r] red / rose / green / river / road / right

[w] wait / week / water / west / woman / weather

[j] yes / yellow / young / your / year / yesterday

I'm sure she sells seashells on the seashore.

I can't measure the pleasure when I see the treasure.

The happy man is heading for the high hill.

Robert was running around.

The young people wore a yellow hat yesterday.

II. 总结与操练 (PRACTICE)


Fill in the blanks:

1. This ________ a black pen. Those ________ red pens. The black one isn't my pen. The red ones ________ mine.

2. Tim is a policeman. Paul is a ________, too. So Tim and Paul are both ________ .

3. I have a blue bag. You have a brown ________ .

4. His shirts are old. The new ________ are not his shirts.

5. This is my bedroom. There is a desk ________ the room. There ________ some books ________ the desk. There is a picture ________ the wall. ________ the picture there are some lovely dogs. There ________ also two chairs and a bed ________ the desk.

6. ________ your bed after you get up.

7. ________ forget to lock the door when you go out.





4.盘子里有两把锋利的刀。 / 课桌里有一支铅笔。




UNIT 13~15新概念英语第一册语音、语法、情景对话及习题



small / snow / plate / train / class / cry

quite / queen / proud / comfort / eighth

time / long / bank / answer / think


● Kill the time

● Cheat the journey

● Serve one right

● A plain Jane

● Make a noise in the world

● Take it easy

● Go Dutch

● In Rome do as the Romans do.

● Rome was not built in a day.

● Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

1. There ________ some bread on the table. It isn't for me. ________ is for my brother.

2. I can drink ________ bottles of milk. Look, there ________ some bottles of ________ on your desk. ________ are for you.

3. There are ________ (child) in the classroom. Some of ________ are talking. The others ________ (write).

4. There ________ (be) any spoons beside the plates.

5. Is there ________ (picture) on the wall?

6. ________ you ________ (type) a letter now? ________ you ________ ________ ________ (type) another letter for me tomorrow? ________ you ________ (do) it tomorrow morning?

7. ________ you ________ (like) coffee? I like drinking it very much.

8. — Do you want a cup of tea? — Yes, ________ . / No, ________ .

9. — He ________ (like) drinking black coffee.



newspaper / five pence / have to / used to

books / girls / worked / played

added / created / divided / selected

learned people / beloved / cursed / blessed

II. 语法小练习:

Change the forms of the sentences:

1. I like coffee.(一般疑问句)

2.Jane has a lovely doll.(否定句)

3. I can dust the table.(一般疑问句,否定句)

4. I am doing shopping.(一般疑问句及其回答)

5. Does he stay at home?(肯定句)

We aren't drinking.(一般疑问句)


道歉与回答 Apologies and replies:

— Sorry for being late. / I'm sorry (that) ...

— I'm awfully sorry for that!

— Sorry to have taken up so much of your time.

— Sorry to have given / brought you so much trouble.

— It's my fault. I apologize ...

— I'm apologizing for that! (Informal)

— I do beg you pardon, sir / madam.

— Sorry, I didn't mean to ...

— I promise that it won't happen again.

— I hope you're not upset with me.

— It was wrong of me to ... Replies:

— It doesn't matter. / you're forgiven.

—That's quite all right. Forget it.

— Never mind. It can't be helped.



this year bless you

as usual here's yours

I'll meet you there. Don't you know that?

Would you mind opening the door? Do you like them?

II. 经典口语习语、词组、谚语 (PHRASES / IDIOMS / PROVERBS)

● sit pretty

● best man

● cry baby

● double Dutch

● show one's true color

● take home in doggy bags.

● There is no smoke without fire.

● Better late than never.

● Pride goes before a fall.


谈论天气 Talking about the weather:

— What's the weather like?

— It's a fine day today. The sun is shining.

— It's fine / windy / sunny / rainy / cloudy / cold / hot / warm / cool.

— I bet it's going to rain soon.

— Is the weather changeable here?

—What a good / nice / beautiful / wonderful / pleasant day!

— It's been raining cats and dogs. — Really cold today. I'm freezing.

—What a terrible day! It made me down.

— It has been awfully hot this week. During the dog days, I can do nothing at all. I can't bear it any more.






