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Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011), was born in San Francisco, California, USA inventor, entrepreneur, co-founder of Apple.

On April 1, 1976, Jobs signed a contract to decide to set up a computer company. In April 1977, Steve Jobs demonstrated the Apple II prototype at the first American computer show. 1997 Apple launched iMac, innovative shell color transparent design makes the product sold, and let Apple through the financial crisis. August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs to Apple's board of directors to submit a resignation application.

Steve Jobs is considered a symbol of the computer industry and entertainment industry, he experienced a few decades of Apple's ups and downs and ups and downs, has led and launched the Macintosh computer (Macintosh), iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other popular in the world Of the electronic products, profoundly changed the modern communication, entertainment, lifestyle. Steve Jobs is also the former chairman and chief executive officer of Pixar Animation.

October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs suffered from pancreatic cancer died at the age of 56 years.


Early experience

February 24, 1955, Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco. Just born to be abandoned by their parents. Fortunately, Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs - a nice couple married him.

Jobs live in the United States, "Silicon Valley" near the neighbors are HP's staff. Under the influence of these people, Steve Jobs childhood fascinated by electronics. A Hewlett-Packard engineer watched him so obsessed and recommended him to join Hewlett-Packard's "Discovery Club", a party dedicated to young engineers, held every Tuesday night in the company's restaurant. In a party, Steve Jobs first saw the computer, he began to have a hazy understanding of the computer.

On junior high school, Steve Jobs met with Steve Wozniak at a classmate party. Steve Wozniak is the president of the school's electronic club and has a lot of interest in electronics.

19 years old, Jobs only read a semester because of economic factors and leave school, as Asturias video game company a staff member. Live in the garage of the Walsh home, often go to the community college to attend calligraphy classes and other courses. In August 1974 the most hot season of the South Asian subcontinent, he came to the Indian pilgrimage.

Jobs side to work, while often together with Wozniak, in their own small garage pondering the computer. They dreamed of having their own computers, but they were commercially available at the time and were bulky and extremely expensive, so they were prepared to develop their own. In 1976, at the San Francisco Wisconsin Computer Products Fair bought the 6502 chip, with 6502 chips, two young people in the garage of Jobs home installed the first computer.

Jobs to raise the funds for mass production, sold his own Volkswagen brand car, while Wards also sold his HP 65 calculator. So they got $ 1,300.

April 1, 1976, Jobs, Wards and Steve Jobs's friend Long Wayne signed a contract to decide to set up a computer company. Subsequently, 21-year-old Steve Jobs and 26-year-old Steve Wozniak in his own car room set up an Apple company. The company's name is set by Steve Jobs. And their homemade computer was chased as "Apple I" computer.

Early development

Apple was founded early, "Apple" machine business is light. July 1976, a chance to "Apple" company brought a turn for the better. Retailer Paul Jay Terrell came to the garage of Steve Jobs, after reading the computer demo, decided to order 50 machine, which is made the first business.

After the "Apple" company began a small batch production. In October 1976, Malkula came to visit Wards and their garage workshops. Marcula is an electrical engineer, good at selling, he took the initiative to help them develop a business plan, to give them a loan of $ 690,000, with this money, "Apple" company's development speed greatly accelerated.

In April 1977, Steve Jobs demonstrated the Apple II prototype at the first American computer show.

December 12, 1980, Apple's stock market, in less than an hour, 4.6 million shares were all sold out, the day to $ 29 per share. At this closing price, Apple executives have four billionaires and more than 40 millionaires. Jobs as the founder of the company ranked first.

In 1983, Lisa database and Apple Iie released, priced at $ 9998 and $ 1395. But Lisa's expensive price is not much market, and Lisa has embezzled a lot of Apple R & D funding.

As Steve Jobs business philosophy and most of the management staff was different, with IBM launched a personal computer, to seize the large market, the general manager and the directors put the failure to blame the chairman of Steve Jobs, in April 1985 by the board resolution revoked His business power. Jobs several times to regain the power were unsuccessful, then in September 17, 1985 to leave Apple.

Independent period

After Apple's resignation, in 1986, Jobs spent $ 10 million from George Lucas in the hands of Lucasfilm's Emeryville, Calif.-based computer animation studio, and the establishment of an independent company Pixar animation studio. After the company became known as the 3D computer animation company, and in 1995 launched the world's first full 3D 3D animated film "Toy Story". The company was acquired by Disney in 2006, and Jobs became the biggest personal shareholder of Disney.

Return to apples

In 1996, Apple's business in a dilemma, its market share from the peak of 16% fell to 4%. Correspondingly, Jobs is "Toy Story" and fame, personal worth of $ 1 billion. But Steve Jobs is still back in the crisis of Apple, came back after Steve Jobs drastic reform, to stop the unreasonable R & D and production, the end of Microsoft and Apple for many years of patent disputes, and began to develop new products iMac and OS X operating system.

The period of reform

1997 Apple launched iMac, innovative shell color transparent design makes the product sold, and let Apple through the financial crisis. Apple then launched the Mac OS X operating system.

2000 technology stocks bubble, Steve Jobs has proposed the PC as a "digital center" advanced concepts, and has developed iTunes and iPod, but also began to open stores in prime locations and a great success. Followed by Apple TV and iTunes Store and a series of products by the market's praise and recognition.

June 29, 2007, Apple has launched its own design iPhone, using the iOS system, then released a new generation of iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS.

June 8, 2010 and released the fourth generation of products iPhone 4, each listing have attracted the world's great madness and sales boom.

In addition to the iPhone series, the release of the iOS system using the iPad Tablet PC, which is not everyone optimistic about the product, and finally achieved great success.

Announced his resignation

August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs to Apple's board of directors to submit a resignation application. He is also in the resignation letter suggested by the chief operating officer Tim Cook to take over his position. Jobs said in his resignation letter, he can not continue to serve as chief executive, but he is willing to serve as chairman of the company, director or general staff. Apple shares are suspended after trading. Jobs did not specify the reasons for his resignation, but he has been fighting with pancreatic cancer.

On August 25, 2011, Apple announced his resignation and took effect immediately, with the post taken by Tim Cook. At the same time Apple announced the appointment of Steve Jobs as chairman of the company, Tim Cook as CEO.


Beijing time on October 6, 2011, Apple's board of directors announced the former chief executive Steve Jobs in the local time on October 5 died, 56 years old, the funeral was held on October 7.






